Christopher B
11/22/24, 2:25:08 PM EST
1. Move all rentertypes to be editors.
2. Split submodules editors and searchhome
3. Fix view database. Custom viewtemplate in ProperyDetailsArchive (change the IDS and save into view table) and theme -> themebase (DB level?)
4. Add icon to view db
5. Add parentfield to views so export button can be highlighted
6. Rebuild import.html from viewdb
No Back Button on submodules
Create new in a dialog
Lightbox reloading tree each click (temporary)
Sorting is broken?
Image Editor Save tries to download the image in the desktop version
Sync does not work
Boxes... Rename Name field but keep category name?
Submodule. How to remove a submodule
X? Cant Edit Search Categories
X Image Picker being duplicate
Pagination on asset picker dialog
Cant Paste into top search or hit enter
Christopher B
11/26/24, 12:33:22 AM EST
CM Publish Gallery Lightbox
CM Check upload and check permission for tabs
CM Pagination on asset picker dialog
x CB Drag drop lighboxes
CB Open and close lighboxes trees loses correct lightbox submodule
CB Sorting is broken?
X CB Default data fields in entity editor
?CB Boxes... Rename Name field but keep category name. Already works
CB module save script check Search Category and create submodules
CM Asset picker start with the same folder (with filter)
CM Submodule. How to remove a submodule vs Delete
Christopher B
11/26/24, 3:08:32 PM EST
CM Default data fields in entity editor. Render masks
?CB Boxes... Rename Name field but keep category name. Already works
?CM module save script check Search Category and create submodules put in searchcategory folder
CM Asset picker start with the same folder (with filter)
CM Submodule. How to remove a submodule vs Delete
SK: Test Dita tab
CM Check create new in all pickers
CM Publish Gallery Lightbox
CM Check upload and check permission for tabs
CM Pagination on asset picker dialog
Clear Cache after save collection
Tags is not working in summary
X Video not working
Scheduler event UI broke
X Folder not linking from collections
CM Enable Files area for UI
CB Delete All collections Categories
MultiEdit remove Search Category working?
Christopher B
12/2/24, 5:05:07 PM EST
ian Create New button showing for users on Category
ian Entities cant show files. Module Permissions are saved to category both places
If we enable hidden by default. Does it hide everything?
Add missing module permission for any blue buttons. Like Create with AI
Test a module view only. Make sure they can edit anything
Add a welcome page for users who have no permissions to any modules. "Ask the admin"
Make sure that the "owner" can see their content in am otherwise empty module.
Make sure sharing a link to someone adds that user to the entity
Clean permission list... Remove Record Live Video
Add path permission to check module view permissions when editing anything in that module /views/module/xxx/*.
Check CRUD operations using module $permissions
Add base Path-Action permission="view" checking
Move all asset based permission to the asset module DB $canupload -> $permissions.can("asset","upload")
Cristobal M
12/2/24, 5:49:00 PM EST
Most of the pickers working, just remember one more (the one in Media Viewer), 3 more to fix
Christopher B
12/4/24, 11:05:13 AM EST
Welcome page never shows. Add it to the layout
Creating a new category while editing a new subcollection. Then editing the name of a subcollection closes the entitydialog
When edting sub collectoins it does not rename category. Rename SubEntities listing in Category in EntityManager.loadDefaultCategory...
Upload new files in asset detail has 404
Upload To is not working
Add more Default Results View for Asset module. Make sure they work
Add Hits per page to Module Properties page
If only one type in Categories use the default renter style.
Lightboxboxes clicking on the eye icon should put into edit mode
Add new Visibility tab to Module Permissions area.
Remove Is Entity check box
Remove Data Entities from menu. Move the SaveAll and Create new to Server
Christopher B
12/9/24, 11:04:47 AM EST
Get Face profiles loading. Enable on
Sort Add View list alphabetical
View picker is not working in Categories
X Bug: Filter Field Picker not saving in Filters on Asset Picker
Data Editor not reloading after field edit
When you browser reload Asset Tree it should select the node
Remove Categories from Categories View
Check any details views set to edit.xml
Christopher B
12/9/24, 6:39:43 PM EST
X Get Face profiles loading. Enable on
X Sort Add View list alphabetical
X Bug: Filter Field Picker not saving in Filters on Asset Picker
Data Editor not reloading after field edit
When you browser reload Asset Tree it should select the node
Remove Categories field from Categories View
Check all details views set to edit.xml
Result picker is not working in Categories
Site Permissions Looknig bad
Setting | View Editor Editing Boxes not showing selected
X Results Check box is off
Christopher B
12/9/24, 6:48:29 PM EST
X Get Face profiles loading. Enable on
X Sort Add View list alphabetical
X Bug: Filter Field Picker not saving in Filters on Asset Picker
Check all editdetailscss.xml views set viewid
Entity Data Editor not reloading after field edit
When you browser reload Asset Tree it should select the node
Remove Categories field from Categories View
Result picker is not working in Categories
Site Permissions Looknig bad
Setting | View Editor Editing Boxes not showing selected
X Results Check box is off
Cristobal M
12/10/24, 3:26:05 PM EST
We have a compilation error on Jenkins, entermedia-server:
[javac] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/em11_entermedia-server/workspace/src/org/entermediadb/elasticsearch/searchers/ error: pattern matching in instanceof is not supported in -source 12
[javac] ViewData data = (d instanceof ViewData existingData) ? existingData : (ViewData) loadData(d);
[javac] ^
[javac] (use -source 16 or higher to enable pattern matching in instanceof)
[javac] 1 error
Christopher B
12/11/24, 11:16:13 AM EST
CM Fix CatalogSettings edit UI
Category: Need better defaults on fields. Rename Name to Label?
CM Remove Categories field from Categories View
Meed a better name than ebooks?
Test login
Can we remove OI tables from finder deployments?
Enable webp
Rename /find to /emedia
Smart Organizer not reloading when copy. (and weird save issues on new site?)
CM ? Pagination is not working on Stacked
CM Test Setup Lucid Link with Open Folder Desktop
Ian: Add Owner permissions
Ian: Dont show permissions
X Results Check box is off
X Toggle Results for entities. Use for eInnovatoin Post Content
UI Lost the pencil button for Search Category
UI: Add Powered By emedia section of community sites
UI Setting | View Editor Editing Boxes not showing selected
UI: Remove Gray bar on the bottom of categories
UI: Clean up dark theme category results toolbars. result type toggler needs padding. All Categories looks weird
UI: Add top link to jump back to the Community home chat
Setup Chat under Support pages. Rename to Community
Christopher B
12/13/24, 1:52:02 PM EST
Must fix:
Manager not deploying good finder applicationids and editors broke
Changed smarteditor to be light logo
CM Cant remove Assets from lightboxes after checking
CM Download Queue broken
CM Refresh Asset detail values after saving
Error when saving new View. But it does save
Enable OpenAI image identification on both sites
CM: Fix Asset Picker. Missing header button
SK View PDF 404 in Details
SK Random Toast errors
Cant click on Categories? (not sure what this means)
Update email template with logo for login to use the light theme app logo
admin could not save user admin stuff
Add add button to lighboxboxes UI
Ian? Permissions Add new Visibility tab to Module Permissions area.
Search Based Entity Vision Board... Add a render that does a multi search for all vision boards
Exencio Search for products? .... Assets are tagged with product info. Make a new Product Entity and write a script to gather the products into its category structure
Does Delete table delet the table?
CM Enable webp
Nice to have:
CB Entity Data Editor not reloading after field edit
CM Check all editdetailscss.xml views set viewid use new viewdata.getDetails
CM Change admin password
CM Can we rename categories without it making duplicate
Sort Module list alphabetical
ESC should just go back one page not close dialog
Ian: Enforce path actions permissions
CM: Entity move entity permissions to its own side tab
CB: Add more roles and support dynaic roles for one person. Add Users liest to permissions tab to assign a custom role. Add more standard Roles and describe what they each do. Reviewer, Uploader, Editor, to check a table for each user to see if its overridden allow this on the module and entity level?
Losing catalogsettings like cdn prefix when reindexing? (Might be fixed)
1. We need a way to upload an image from the Asset Picker. It should pass along the entity edit fields if possible.
2. We need to enable the metadata reading on the eBooks and eInnovation web sites
3. We need to enable my credit card to pay for usage on open ai
4. Make an Interface than we can plug in other AI options. Microsoft?
Remove GOogle login
Set title
Fix typo in login form
CM: Add Upload DITA File option to the DITA area
CB: AI Tips add Notes to each field
Document how to use ordering and item id fields for sorting DITA tables
Dont convert all PDF the pages on eBooks site. Its an OI preset set wrong
eBooks logo does not look good in Column mode
PDF Black thumbnail someplaces (white background?)
Ability to sort Entities by ordering field.
UI: Add Powered By emedia section of community sites
SK Add Chat to main page
Can we remove OI tables from finder deployments?
Christopher B
12/16/24, 6:26:05 PM EST
Must fix:
X SK Changed smarteditor to be light logo
X CM Cant remove Assets from lightboxes after checking
X CM Download Queue broken
X Refresh Asset detail values after saving
X CM: Fix Asset Picker. Missing header button
X View PDF 404 in Details
X SK Random Toast errors
Cant click on Categories? (not sure what this means)
UI: Removing a view from the Editing Boxes list in settings does not refresh
UI: Setting | Editing Views Error when saving new View. But it does save
CB Make sure owners always have admin permissions to their entity
X SK: I think we also need to decide on a module by module basis if the desktop will download the files or not. In other words once its enabled we sill sometimes wanna download files. I can enable it with a data-useexternalsync="true" on the button that syncs. Maybe rename the preference to be "Use External Sync" = true or false. Default to false
Add include link to the eMediaLibrary Download to the desktop tool to the community sites
Settings Database Cant export smartorganizer table?
Asset Details Data panel needs testing of delete, download and desktop buttons
CM Tag filters for asset not working?
Update email template with logo for login to use the light theme app logo
UI Add add button to lighboxboxes UI
UI: Add new tabs to Module Permissions. Should be: Permissions | Visibility
Search Based Entity Vision Board... Add a render that does a multi search for all vision boards
Exencio Search for products? .... Assets are tagged with product info. Make a new Product Entity and write a script to gather the products into its category structure
Does Delete table delet the table?
CM Enable webp
SK Need to add the new Community links to the Desktop App
Nice to have:
X CB Entity Data Editor not reloading after field edit
CM Check all editdetailscss.xml views set viewid use new viewdata.getDetails
CM Change admin password
CM Can we rename categories without it making duplicate
Sort Module list alphabetical
ESC should just go back one page not close dialog
Ian: Enforce path actions permissions
CM: Entity move entity permissions to its own side tab
CB: Add more roles and support dynaic roles for one person. Add Users liest to permissions tab to assign a custom role. Add more standard Roles and describe what they each do. Reviewer, Uploader, Editor, to check a table for each user to see if its overridden allow this on the module and entity level?
Losing catalogsettings like cdn prefix when reindexing? (Might be fixed)
Remove entermediaMissingSelect2TranslationsFixApplied
Manager not deploying good finder applicationids and editors broke
X Make all uploads use: <path-action name="DataEditModule.parseMultPart" />
<path-action name="DataEditModule.saveData">
<property name="pageval">entity</property>
<path-action name="AssetEditModule.handleUploads"/>
Administrator who is not the admin user could not do any user admin stuff in User Manager. Permission errors
1. We need a way to upload an image from the Asset Picker. It should pass along the entity edit fields if possible.
2. We need to enable the metadata reading on the eBooks and eInnovation web sites
3. We need to enable my credit card to pay for usage on open ai
4. Make an Interface than we can plug in other AI options. Microsoft?
Remove GOogle login
Set title
Fix typo in login form
CM: Add Upload DITA File option to the DITA area
CB: AI Tips add Notes to each field
Document how to use ordering and item id fields for sorting DITA tables
Dont convert all PDF the pages on eBooks site. Its an OI preset set wrong
eBooks dark logo does not look well spaced out
Default site to light theme. Put new drop down to set it
eBooks logo does not look good in Column mode
PDF Black thumbnail someplaces (white background?)
Ability to sort Entities by ordering field.
UI: Add Powered By emedia section of community sites
SK Add Chat to main page
Can we remove OI tables from finder deployments?
Christopher B
12/18/24, 2:54:20 PM EST
UI: Removing a view from the Editing Boxes list in settings does not refresh
UI: Setting | Editing Views Error when saving new View. But it does save
X CB Settings Database Cant export smartorganizer table? /site/find/views/settings/lists/datamanager/export/smartorganizer.csv
Fix Cart
Fix Bookmarks not showing Entities
CB: Asset Details next and previous buttons
Update email template with logo for login to use the light theme app logo
UI Add add button to lighboxboxes UI
UI: Add new tabs to Module Permissions. Should be: Permissions | Visibility
Add include link to the eMediaLibrary Download to the desktop tool to the community sites
Search Based Entity Vision Board... Add a render that does a multi search for all vision boards
Exencio Search for products? .... Assets are tagged with product info. Make a new Product Entity and write a script to gather the products into its category structure
Does Delete table delet the table?
CM Enable webp
SK Need to add the new Community links to the Desktop App
Nice to have:
X CB Entity Data Editor not reloading after field edit
CM Check all editdetailscss.xml views set viewid use new viewdata.getDetails
CM Change admin password
CM Can we rename categories without it making duplicate
Sort Module list alphabetical
UI ESC should just go back one page not close dialog
Ian: Enforce path actions permissions
CM: Entity move entity permissions to its own side tab
CB: Add more roles and support dynaic roles for one person. Add Users liest to permissions tab to assign a custom role. Add more standard Roles and describe what they each do. Reviewer, Uploader, Editor, to check a table for each user to see if its overridden allow this on the module and entity level?
Losing catalogsettings like cdn prefix when reindexing? (Might be fixed)
Remove entermediaMissingSelect2TranslationsFixApplied
Manager not deploying good finder applicationids and editors broke
X Make all uploads use: <path-action name="DataEditModule.parseMultPart" />
<path-action name="DataEditModule.saveData">
<property name="pageval">entity</property>
<path-action name="AssetEditModule.handleUploads"/>
Administrator who is not the admin user could not do any user admin stuff in User Manager. Permission errors
Add Drag and drop to Data EntiyManager side menu
Add Create New button to Data EntiyManager side menu
Export and Import from Smart Organizer
Make Customizations admin tool be more useful
1. We need a way to upload an image from the Asset Picker. It should pass along the entity edit fields if possible.
2. We need to enable the metadata reading on the eBooks and eInnovation web sites
3. We need to enable my credit card to pay for usage on open ai
4. Make an Interface than we can plug in other AI options. Microsoft?
Remove GOogle login
Set title
Fix typo in login form
CM: Add Upload DITA File option to the DITA area
CB: AI Tips add Notes to each field
Document how to use ordering and item id fields for sorting DITA tables
Dont convert all PDF the pages on eBooks site. Its an OI preset set wrong
eBooks dark logo does not look well spaced out
Default site to light theme. Put new drop down to set it
eBooks logo does not look good in Column mode
PDF Black thumbnail someplaces (white background?)
Ability to sort Entities by ordering field.
UI: Add Powered By emedia section of community sites
SK Add Chat to main page
Can we remove OI tables from finder deployments?