Ian M
1/25/24, 11:50:58 AM EST
New codes once an hour and they reset automatically if you try to login with any code?
Christopher B
1/25/24, 11:51:32 AM EST
And maybe we allow up to 5 logins per code. In case they get confused. I am on the office hours if you want to discuss: https://zoom.us/j/92493430061?pwd=OEI4a3JyZkx2V2tQWFZPT2c5Q2xMZz09
Ian M
1/25/24, 11:52:26 AM EST
Give me about 20 min, just can't create background noise for a few min
Christopher B
1/25/24, 12:14:45 PM EST
No worries. Yeah one code that sticks for an hour is fine. We can send back that same code via email each time
Christopher B
1/26/24, 10:06:34 AM EST
Hey Cristobal, we have to demo to Alfred in an hour. Can we check in: https://zoom.us/j/94713777672?pwd=Q1dhYmNCUld3Rkp2UkEwemY2WEJHdz09
Shakil A
1/26/24, 10:32:08 AM EST
Hey cristobal, my local is broken after checking out the "Download sidebar" commit
Shakil A
1/26/24, 10:32:39 AM EST
There was a problem completing this request
Claire H
1/26/24, 10:36:26 AM EST
HI all, sorry i won't be able to attend the meeting today either. I'm still sick. I'll see everyone on monday. Have a great weekend!
Christopher B
1/31/24, 1:57:17 PM EST
eMedia Organizing Wizard
0. Upload your logo
1. Show them their existing file folders and ask them to create a list of types of folders they find. (+ Product Data + Technical Manuals)
2. Find relationships between them by Adding existing entity graphs from a pop up template picker
3. Create new entities that we dont have
4. Chose the header menu and order from list of entites
5. Configure fields. Table headers, summary, Add New, Lookup fields
6. Create AI automation. (Auto Entity creation) Pick a folder structure that is mapped to Entities that will auto create, auto tag and standardize.. Like Magic (TAE has something called Media Folders. It reads in an _ingest.txt to set the data on them). Any metadata can be assigned from the category tree itself. Like "Department"
7. Enable File tagging. We have Facerecognition. Object tagging, dominant Color, child safe. Pull metadata from files. (full text)
8. Geo location with search and assignment
Ian M
1/31/24, 3:39:25 PM EST
I know you guys are deprecating emshare2 - it looks like it's been removed completely from app-emshare - is that on purpose?
Christopher B
1/31/24, 11:07:30 PM EST
emshare2 in the other branch. we will create a new project soon
Christopher B
2/2/24, 12:30:31 PM EST
Ian, We got a report from Babson that the security codes are not working. I see your changes but I dont think they make sense. There is a variable called force that seems to always be set to true.
Ian M
2/2/24, 12:34:48 PM EST
String userCode = getUserManager(inReq).createNewTempLoginKey(username,emailaddress,firstName,lastName,false);
They default to false
last variable there
They default to false
last variable there