Claire S
1/18/24, 1:37:46 PM EST
A list of requested features compiled over the past months of December 2023- Jan 2024
Make a public Gallery shareable with slideshow for clients.
While editing facial profiles, issue a warning if they try to leave window before saving. (Would be nice)
Scrollbars (added internal scroll) in certain windows
Feature Request by TAE: Quick Navbar spinner icon Loader indicator always visible on start?
Write a script to delete all assets associated with a single facial profile to make it really easy. Ask if they want to delete the assets entirely or just reject them?
When people change things on the summary page, we can update the URL bar so if they bookmark it or copy and paste it, it will take them to the exact same situation.
Have a trash bin where you can retrieve or restore files that have been deleted.
Find a feature to help her categorize facial profiles/people by whether or not they have signed a release form or consent, IDEA
Add next and previous button that works on pages, and detail viewer
All the images in "saved" are left loose, and they'd really love a way to organize those into something, into maybe a "tagged saved folder" in the same "saved" area, or "saved collaboration folder"
Enable feature so you can hold down shift and select multiple assets.
Claire S
1/18/24, 1:42:40 PM EST
If we are looking at an asset, if there is a person name set, when we click on the name we go to person record, but if there is no name we go to the profile record. It NEEDS to work like this automatically
Entity name in timeline for Video AI recognition is wrong
New Assets or random files no longer showing facial profiles anymore after recent update. Only some area, need a way to hit rescan, or update customer on progress by the facial recognition tool and how far it’s scanned into database?
Babson site - When going to activities folders, not all activities folders with media in them show facial recognition as being enabled.
Claire S
1/18/24, 2:26:04 PM EST
Replace Original in details editor not working at all, tried twice, appears to work then doesn’t work upon refresh, preview and file appears to be the same
Selecting items in any of the views for multi edit shows a big glitchy line of white code.
Multi edit shows as “unimplemented” When user attempts to use multi edit, multi delete works, Going to “download original” shows white error screen. Also when clicking “Add to saved ( Favourites) in Details viewer.
If you delete a folder in departments, it wont delete the assets, When I attempted to re add assets to already existing department and "search for existing" To add the files to a department with multi edit, Nothing existing came up when I searched for "Astronomy" in popup window no pre existing departments came up.
After locating the media and attempting to change location to move to sub folder manually, I selected all of them and hit multi edit. Upon clicking on the folder options, it revealed a popup window that doesn't offer sub folder directories to move files to, nor does the CLOSE X button work either. I had to refresh to get out of it. ( Update January 2024, Add to folder button no longer responsive)
Can’t use property manager to move to file location or +Add to folder
When choosing primary media by “Browse” Instead of upload, menu list does not work. Needs internal scroll, file sorting by heading needs to work ( Date/name) Browsing by asset type “Photos” is redundant, because you can only use a photo for primary media? Browse by all fields not showing previews or any sort of drop down, doesn’t really work.
Creating a folder with a date with slashes in name 9/9/21 eg, will create strange extra folders, it creates 9 folder inside another 9 folder, inside a 21 folder. It interprets it as a command rather than just a name ( has this been resolved?). TAE noticed it first
in summary sidebar - change “Has text” to “Has Metadata” and say “Yes or No:” Instead of true or false.
Make sure “Face has face” text has been changed to something less silly sounding. ;)
In index/albums, Scrolling down still disappears menu and Shows glitch. Also in other places.
When clicking on views on settings, sidebar covers editing boxes making client confused, suggestion to make editing boxes bigger to lessen confusion.
BABSON B SITE - want a thumbnail for collaboration folders? Primary media shows nothing.
Previous and next buttons on right hand top side of entity viewer doesn’t work
File manager in details viewer in “downloads” section doesn’t work at all shows admin screen.
When "photo filter" is selected on summary sidebar, navigation becomes difficult due to bug where photos being enabled as a filter will cause file area to show nothing until you X it out on header on top of screen. Or clear filter.
Add Entity Picker Button to details page beside +Add to album (Properties details viewer)
Claire S
1/18/24, 2:33:32 PM EST
Catchup on work tracking from Jan 09th-18th
Points no longer showing on completed tasks...
Christopher B
1/19/24, 1:21:16 PM EST
Cristobal, I am here for a bit:
Crystal R
1/22/24, 8:55:10 AM EST
If we are looking at an asset, if there is a person name set, when we click on the name we go to person record, but if there is no name we go to the profile record. It NEEDS to work like this automatically
Entity name in timeline for Video AI recognition is wrong
New Assets or random files no longer showing facial profiles anymore after recent update. Only some area, need a way to hit rescan, or update customer on progress by the facial recognition tool and how far it’s scanned into database?
Babson site - When going to activities folders, not all activities folders with media in them show facial recognition as being enabled.
Crystal R
1/22/24, 9:02:42 AM EST
ctivate the cart and Add to cart
Modify the fields of the Table view so they are Adjustable
Add a button to quick access between our different Catalogs
Add new Themes, if possible, a couple colored themes to differentiate catalogs.
Add a Config button for the Summary / Filter list so we can add new filters
Add Checkboxes in the table view, they were removed for some reason
Make the summary / filter movable from right to left of the Table view so we can place it were we prefer
In System\Preference, could you add a checklist for me to select the available languages for the site.
When using the top search bar, pressing "Enter" should refresh the page. Right now we have to press "F5" to see the filtered list.
Would be fun to be able to reduce the size of the search preview (or remove thumbnails) via a setting when using the top search bar
Crystal R
1/22/24, 11:45:34 AM EST
Hi Claire, I changed these feature requests from on agenda to goals as requested by Christopher
Cristobal M
1/22/24, 1:24:50 PM EST
Im checking in next & prev functionally,. I see a gap now coming from the bottom in small screen, trying to fix it
Cristobal M
1/22/24, 3:43:29 PM EST
Chris I found the issue about creating entities with a name like "6/6/21" it is kind of tricky, there are couple of places where we can escape the slashes, but it can cause issues in other functions, let me know when we we can work this together.
Claire S
1/23/24, 11:21:01 AM EST
To Do List From Meeting with Christopher and claire - January 23/2024
- Make summary sidebar so UI Works and user can add items to filters.
- Yale Divinity B site - Collections - Make folders bigger on
- Yale Divinity B site - Details viewer - Change “add to entity” to “add to collection”
- Get rid of “Chat”option/annotations on babson live site. To just not be there. ( Completed by Christopher)
- Date picker - Is a bit jumpy because it keeps reverting to “Between” on the display on top of summary sidebar. Fix this so it’s just an internal function and what the customer sees is a bit more in line with what they chose. EG - Past week, Past month, Equals, etc.
- Summary sidebar - Filters should allow for multiple selections in all types of options not just one. EG photos and videos should be able to be simultaneously chosen.
- Site permissions/Entity Permissions - Autosave permissions instead of having to hit the save button when modifying.
Possible feature improvements and additions:
- Chat topic - Do we want to get rid of it? Yes. Probably for individual assets. Having different notes and communications options like adding a tab called “Chats” to each entity. And Collaboration folders. Not for individual assets. Perhaps a running chat feature of notes, being able to share links. 3 possible Levels of chat- 1)Chat icon on toolbar - General chat with option to add different tabs.2)Entity chat - Chat on entities3) Chat on individual asse
- Make a feature that allows users to choose collections and make them into top level entities
- Maybe Make filter to add TYPE of collection ? Let’s chat about this. Publications, Marketing, Departments, People, photo galleries, Users, Events
Summary sidebar - File size filter needs overhaul:Options are similar to date range 1)File Size Range - Add file ranges from list below 2)Custom Size range - Add one Custom Range at the top 3)Drop down menu to choose what type of number (Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes(This would give you three input boxes)

Saved + Section needs An Overhaul: Figure out what we are going to do to make sure everything flows well
Claire S
1/23/24, 2:50:51 PM EST
OK here is the mockup idea I had for the UX design for the downloads area.