Cristobal M
1/10/25, 3:49:01 PM EST
Ian M
Can someone add me to - please? , I'm not an admin. I think I should chat with Alfred there?
Christopher B
1/12/25, 7:31:07 PM EST
Hi Ian, I checked in a new Content Creator module that we need to connect to AI. Can we meet so I can get help setting it up locally? We decided to create text entities (chapters) using a dedicated prompt area. We need to have it documented by Wed.
Dieneke S
1/13/25, 12:44:08 PM EST
Can I add your account cristobal as an admin on facebook? So you can add the publishing to facebook aswell.
Christopher B
1/13/25, 12:50:30 PM EST
Lower Priority:
Java: TAE No back button on the login registration
Java: eInnnovation needs to update the Feed on the home page.
Java: Use Postiz API to share posts from witin einnovation to multiple channels at once.
Java: Move entity does not reload entity
Java: Add Label setting for the Guide button on the top of the site
Java: Check all default asset permissions
Java: Enforce path actions permissions
Java: Manager not deploying good finder applicationids and editors broke
Java: OI Get View Reservations:
Java: Save not saving in AI dialog
Java: Ability to include existing tags in AI dialogs
Java: Add optional tag to AI tags
Java: Administrator who is not the admin user could not do any user admin stuff in User Manager. Permission errors
Java: Make Customizations settings replace the manager snapshots. With all the same features but inside the settings
Java: brick Prerender the searchcategory grid brick layout. Put default values for x and y
Java: Make a data editor emdialog for prosetparameter editing
CB Java: Feature: Add saving data edit history on entities
X Linux: Upgrade AGBU test instance and test everything
X Customer: TAE - Setup meeting to do login fixes
Customer: Ian Alfred Add Dropbox
Customer: Alfred make sourcepath Script (started)
Customer: Alfred Order more hard drives for m37
Customer: OI Form bugs for finances. Cant add expenses
Customer: Test AGBU Inspect one image to see what to do and deploy any fixes
Customer: OI email Blog posts to all followers. Include a link to unfollow and what email was used
Customer: OI Test the commenting on blog posts
Customer: OI Import all existing entermediadb users from all websites as followers of:
Customer: All Make sure all site Group Chats are working. SEO friendly and easy funnel for new users to chat
Customer: Exensio - Write Script that ports assets into categories Assets are tagged with product info. Make a new Product Entity and write a script to gather the products into its category structure
Customer: Alfred - Dropbox impoprt, Upgrade and test
Customer: eBooks: PDF Black thumbnail someplaces (white background?)
Customer: eBooks Can we remove/hide OI tables from finder deployments?
Customer: eBooks Add eCommerce to sell digital downloads in ebooks site
Customer: eBooks:Dont convert all PDF the pages on eBooks site. Its an OI preset set wrong
Customer: eBooks Make new entity with AI that will have an AI checkbox option that will generate all sub modules all at once
Customer: All Create a Language Model from the Catalog itself that works with oollama
Customer: Postiz remove Google/email and add eMedia oauth provider
Linux: Enable webp on sites
Linux: Change admin passwords on common roots einnovation and ebooks
Linux: Alfred - Deploy Ians Dropbox importing
Linux: Alfred - Enable WebP
Linux: Commonroots: deploy community
X UI: OE add media picker button
X UI: Test Dont have duplicate toasts instances
X UI Add Default Theme setting for catalog (use side buttons?)
UI: Add Postiz Export option. Look into API. Make it a step by step guide
UI: CK Editor support in community apps. Make sure it saved the value
UI: Click and drag off a form closes the forms
X UI: eBooks:CB: add more Hints to each data entry field. Make sure they show in the AI dialog
X UI: Should be able to auto generate a prompt like this:
UI: Clean up Settings | Files | Asset Type UI
UI: Fix logo on all emails
UI: Settings | User Manager clean up
UI: When in Bookmark area show bookmark button selected
X UI: Need Favicons for ALL sites. ebooks. einnovation emedialibrary
X ? UI: When I downloaded an original from Entity files area, it worked but the sidebar download icon did not stop spinning
nice to have:
UI: common roots add Songs and Film searches
UI: Clean up HTML from Guides once Christopher is done
UI: In Data editing, Saving a new list item as an admin does not refresh the drop down
UI: Add thumbnails to face profile tool in asset details
SEO: Enable google Analytics on all sites
SEO: Keyword analysis
SEO: Enable Referal codes
SEO: Campaign to track visitors with a cookie
SEO Enable Sitemaps
SEO: cehck on Robots.txt
SEO: Make Parnerinships: LucidLink Wordpress etc Website
SEO 2. Community Grid boxes need descriptions
SEO: Add Powered By eMedia text section to all community sites
SEO: Guide
SEO: SEO - Check all out titles
SEO: Test Web Workflow. Login, chat with us etc
SEO: Test Desktop Download potential clients can email us for easily
SEO: Sales: Prepare mass email for next release 11.5 Jan 5th
SEO: Set titles in knowlege base
Christopher B
1/13/25, 6:04:12 PM EST
Java: Entity Picker for Person from Profile has 404 view
Java: Check all AI Permissions and default to on. Also on entity
Java: Settings | User Manager clean up
Java: Add Group Chats are working. SEO friendly and easy funnel for new users to chat
Lower Priority:
Java: eInnnovation needs to update the Feed on the home page.
Java: Use Postiz API to share posts from witin einnovation to multiple channels at once.
Java: Move entity does not reload entity
Java: Add Label setting for the Guide button on the top of the site
Java: Check all default asset permissions
Java: Enforce path actions permissions
Java: Manager not deploying good finder applicationids and editors broke
Java: OI Get View Reservations:
Java: Save not saving in AI dialog
Java: Ability to include existing tags in AI dialogs
Java: Add optional tag to AI tags
Java: Administrator who is not the admin user could not do any user admin stuff in User Manager. Permission errors
Java: Make Customizations settings replace the manager snapshots. With all the same features but inside the settings
Java: Make a data editor emdialog for prosetparameter editing
CB Java: Feature: Add saving data edit history on entities
X Linux: Upgrade AGBU test instance and test everything
X Customer: TAE - Setup meeting to do login fixes
Customer: Ian Alfred Add Dropbox
Customer: Alfred make sourcepath Script (started)
Customer: Alfred Order more hard drives for m37
Customer: OI Form bugs for finances. Cant add expenses
Customer: Test AGBU Inspect one image to see what to do and deploy any fixes
Customer: OI email Blog posts to all followers. Include a link to unfollow and what email was used
Customer: OI Test the commenting on blog posts
Customer: OI Import all existing entermediadb users from all websites as followers of:
Customer: Exensio - Write Script that ports assets into categories Assets are tagged with product info. Make a new Product Entity and write a script to gather the products into its category structure
Customer: Alfred - Dropbox impoprt, Upgrade and test
Customer: eBooks: PDF Black thumbnail someplaces (white background?)
Customer: eBooks Can we remove/hide OI tables from finder deployments?
Customer: eBooks Add eCommerce to sell digital downloads in ebooks site
Customer: eBooks:Dont convert all PDF the pages on eBooks site. Its an OI preset set wrong
Customer: eBooks Make new entity with AI that will have an AI checkbox option that will generate all sub modules all at once
Customer: All Create a Language Model from the Catalog itself that works with oollama
Customer: Postiz remove Google/email and add eMedia oauth provider
Linux: Enable webp on sites
Linux: Change admin passwords on common roots einnovation and ebooks
Linux: Alfred - Deploy Ians Dropbox importing
Linux: Alfred - Enable WebP
Linux: Commonroots: deploy community
UI: brick Prerender the searchcategory grid brick layout. Put default values for x and y
X UI: OE add media picker button
X UI: Test Dont have duplicate toasts instances
X UI Add Default Theme setting for catalog (use side buttons?)
X UI: Add Postiz Export option. Look into API. Make it a step by step guide
X UI: CK Editor support in community apps. Make sure it saved the value
X UI: Click and drag off a form closes the forms
UI: Add a back button on the login registration
X UI: eBooks:CB: add more Hints to each data entry field. Make sure they show in the AI dialog
X UI: Should be able to auto generate a prompt like this:
x UI: Clean up Settings | Files | Asset Type UI
UI: Fix logo on all emails
X UI: When in Bookmark area show bookmark button selected
X UI: Need Favicons for ALL sites. ebooks. einnovation emedialibrary
X ? UI: When I downloaded an original from Entity files area, it worked but the sidebar download icon did not stop spinning
nice to have:
UI: common roots add Songs and Film searches
UI: Clean up HTML from Guides once Christopher is done
UI: In Data editing, Saving a new list item as an admin does not refresh the drop down
UI: Add thumbnails to face profile tool in asset details
SEO: Enable google Analytics on all sites
SEO: Keyword analysis
SEO: Enable Referal codes
SEO: Campaign to track visitors with a cookie
SEO Enable Sitemaps
SEO: cehck on Robots.txt
SEO: Make Parnerinships: LucidLink Wordpress etc Website
SEO 2. Community Grid boxes need descriptions
SEO: Add Powered By eMedia text section to all community sites
SEO: Guide
SEO: SEO - Check all out titles
SEO: Test Web Workflow. Login, chat with us etc
SEO: Test Desktop Download potential clients can email us for easily
SEO: Sales: Prepare mass email for next release 11.5 Jan 5th
SEO: Set titles in knowlege base
AI Add Outputs Box
AI Content list pull from ajax
AI Add a contentcreator id to each entity search by it
AI: Add permissions to content creator icon on top
AI Add Number of records to create
Christopher B
1/15/25, 4:02:02 PM EST
Java: Entity Green links not opening on top of entitydialog
Java: Entity Picker for Person from Profile has 404 view
Java: Where are faceprofiles working? em11
Java: Check all AI Permissions and default to on. Also on entity
Java: Settings | User Manager clean up
Java: Add Group Chats are working. SEO friendly and easy funnel for new users to chat
Lower Priority:
Java: eInnnovation needs to update the Feed on the home page.
Java: Use Postiz API to share posts from witin einnovation to multiple channels at once.
Java: Move entity does not reload entity
Java: Add Label setting for the Guide button on the top of the site
Java: Check all default asset permissions
Java: Enforce path actions permissions
Java: Manager not deploying good finder applicationids and editors broke
Java: OI Get View Reservations:
Java: Save not saving in AI dialog
Java: Ability to include existing tags in AI dialogs
Java: Add optional tag to AI tags
Java: Administrator who is not the admin user could not do any user admin stuff in User Manager. Permission errors
Java: Make Customizations settings replace the manager snapshots. With all the same features but inside the settings
Java: Make a data editor emdialog for prosetparameter editing
CB Java: Feature: Add saving data edit history on entities
X Linux: Upgrade AGBU test instance and test everything
X Customer: TAE - Setup meeting to do login fixes
Customer: Ian Alfred Add Dropbox
Customer: Alfred make sourcepath Script (started)
Customer: Alfred Order more hard drives for m37
Customer: OI Form bugs for finances. Cant add expenses
Customer: Test AGBU Inspect one image to see what to do and deploy any fixes
Customer: OI email Blog posts to all followers. Include a link to unfollow and what email was used
Customer: OI Test the commenting on blog posts
Customer: OI Import all existing entermediadb users from all websites as followers of:
Customer: Exensio - Write Script that ports assets into categories Assets are tagged with product info. Make a new Product Entity and write a script to gather the products into its category structure
Customer: Alfred - Dropbox impoprt, Upgrade and test
Customer: eBooks: PDF Black thumbnail someplaces (white background?)
Customer: eBooks Can we remove/hide OI tables from finder deployments?
Customer: eBooks Add eCommerce to sell digital downloads in ebooks site
Customer: eBooks:Dont convert all PDF the pages on eBooks site. Its an OI preset set wrong
Customer: eBooks Make new entity with AI that will have an AI checkbox option that will generate all sub modules all at once
Customer: All Create a Language Model from the Catalog itself that works with oollama
Customer: Postiz remove Google/email and add eMedia oauth provider
Customer: OI add new project view
Linux: Enable webp on sites
Linux: Change admin passwords on common roots einnovation and ebooks
Linux: Alfred - Deploy Ians Dropbox importing
Linux: Alfred - Enable WebP
Linux: Commonroots: deploy community
UI: brick Prerender the searchcategory grid brick layout. Put default values for x and y
X UI: OE add media picker button
X UI: Test Dont have duplicate toasts instances
X UI Add Default Theme setting for catalog (use side buttons?)
X UI: Add Postiz Export option. Look into API. Make it a step by step guide
X UI: CK Editor support in community apps. Make sure it saved the value
X UI: Click and drag off a form closes the forms
UI: Add a back button on the login registration
X UI: eBooks:CB: add more Hints to each data entry field. Make sure they show in the AI dialog
X UI: Should be able to auto generate a prompt like this:
x UI: Clean up Settings | Files | Asset Type UI
UI: Fix logo on all emails
X UI: When in Bookmark area show bookmark button selected
UI: wrong Favicon:
X UI: Need Favicons for ALL sites. ebooks. einnovation emedialibrary
X ? UI: When I downloaded an original from Entity files area, it worked but the sidebar download icon did not stop spinning
nice to have:
UI: common roots add Songs and Film searches
UI: Clean up HTML from Guides once Christopher is done
UI: In Data editing, Saving a new list item as an admin does not refresh the drop down
UI: Add thumbnails to face profile tool in asset details
SEO: Enable google Analytics on all sites
SEO: Keyword analysis
SEO: Enable Referal codes
SEO: Campaign to track visitors with a cookie
SEO Enable Sitemaps
SEO: cehck on Robots.txt
SEO: Make Parnerinships: LucidLink Wordpress etc Website
SEO 2. Community Grid boxes need descriptions
SEO: Add Powered By eMedia text section to all community sites
SEO: Guide
SEO: SEO - Check all out titles
SEO: Test Web Workflow. Login, chat with us etc
SEO: Test Desktop Download potential clients can email us for easily
SEO: Sales: Prepare mass email for next release 11.5 Jan 5th
SEO: Set titles in knowlege base
AI Add Outputs Box
AI Content list pull from ajax
AI Add a contentcreator id to each entity search by it
AI: Add permissions to content creator icon on top
AI Add Number of records to create
CB Java: Refresh lightboxes
CB Java: In Submodule Add New add AI header button
Java: Check for aiaddnew view if not found use addnew view
Java: Create an entire book. Add sections for image and one to manys
Java: Default LLM to GTP.
Java: Add aienabled catalogsetting
Java: Tag assets. Add a boolean to assets so they dont run twice
Java: How can I edit someones book?
Java: Add more roles for editing. viewer,owner,editor add list of editors 3 fields
java: Asset types missing on Markeing template
Java: Video player not working
Java: Template, reindex and Click on all views
Cristobal M
1/15/25, 5:44:15 PM EST
some UI issues:
-Drop file in the Upload area not working
-Add a primary media to any entity and close the Dialog, Folder view is not rendering correctly
-Logic/config issue, is "Enable Uploading still taking precedence?" We are showing Files tab by default anyways, but Menus->copy to still based on "Enabled Uploading" flag for each module
-TVmedia hub light theme logo
-Clicking on Folder Name on Asset Media Viewer opens folder but immediately opens the asset again.
-Galleries (entity gallery) were not showing all available Lightboxes. A method was commented out on EntityManager
-Default Sort was not same as lightbox default.
**Deploying AGBU again they may notice this soon.
Christopher B
1/16/25, 10:39:11 AM EST
Java: Entity Green links not opening on top of entitydialog
Java: Entity Picker for Person from Profile has 404 view
Java: Where are faceprofiles working? em11
Java: Check all AI Permissions and default to on. Also on entity
Java: Settings | User Manager clean up
Java: Add Group Chats are working. SEO friendly and easy funnel for new users to chat
Lower Priority:
Java: eInnnovation needs to update the Feed on the home page.
Java: Use Postiz API to share posts from witin einnovation to multiple channels at once.
Java: Move entity does not reload entity
Java: Add Label setting for the Guide button on the top of the site
Java: Check all default asset permissions
Java: Enforce path actions permissions
Java: Manager not deploying good finder applicationids and editors broke
Java: OI Get View Reservations:
Java: Save not saving in AI dialog
Java: Ability to include existing tags in AI dialogs
Java: Add optional tag to AI tags
Java: Administrator who is not the admin user could not do any user admin stuff in User Manager. Permission errors
Java: Make Customizations settings replace the manager snapshots. With all the same features but inside the settings
Java: Make a data editor emdialog for prosetparameter editing
CB Java: Feature: Add saving data edit history on entities
X Linux: Upgrade AGBU test instance and test everything
X Customer: TAE - Setup meeting to do login fixes
Customer: Ian Alfred Add Dropbox
Customer: Alfred make sourcepath Script (started)
Customer: Alfred Order more hard drives for m37
Customer: OI Form bugs for finances. Cant add expenses
Customer: Test AGBU Inspect one image to see what to do and deploy any fixes
Customer: OI email Blog posts to all followers. Include a link to unfollow and what email was used
Customer: OI Test the commenting on blog posts
Customer: OI Import all existing entermediadb users from all websites as followers of:
Customer: Exensio - Write Script that ports assets into categories Assets are tagged with product info. Make a new Product Entity and write a script to gather the products into its category structure
Customer: Alfred - Dropbox impoprt, Upgrade and test
Customer: eBooks: PDF Black thumbnail someplaces (white background?)
Customer: eBooks Can we remove/hide OI tables from finder deployments?
Customer: eBooks Add eCommerce to sell digital downloads in ebooks site
Customer: eBooks:Dont convert all PDF the pages on eBooks site. Its an OI preset set wrong
Customer: eBooks Make new entity with AI that will have an AI checkbox option that will generate all sub modules all at once
Customer: All Create a Language Model from the Catalog itself that works with oollama
Customer: Postiz remove Google/email and add eMedia oauth provider
Customer: OI add new project view
Linux: Enable webp on sites
Linux: Change admin passwords on common roots einnovation and ebooks
Linux: Alfred - Deploy Ians Dropbox importing
Linux: Alfred - Enable WebP
Linux: Commonroots: deploy community
UI: brick Prerender the searchcategory grid brick layout. Put default values for x and y
X UI: OE add media picker button
X UI: Test Dont have duplicate toasts instances
X UI Add Default Theme setting for catalog (use side buttons?)
X UI: Add Postiz Export option. Look into API. Make it a step by step guide
X UI: CK Editor support in community apps. Make sure it saved the value
X UI: Click and drag off a form closes the forms
UI: Add a back button on the login registration
X UI: eBooks:CB: add more Hints to each data entry field. Make sure they show in the AI dialog
X UI: Should be able to auto generate a prompt like this:
x UI: Clean up Settings | Files | Asset Type UI
UI: Fix logo on all emails
X UI: When in Bookmark area show bookmark button selected
UI: wrong Favicon:
X UI: Need Favicons for ALL sites. ebooks. einnovation emedialibrary
X ? UI: When I downloaded an original from Entity files area, it worked but the sidebar download icon did not stop spinning
nice to have:
UI: common roots add Songs and Film searches
UI: Clean up HTML from Guides once Christopher is done
UI: In Data editing, Saving a new list item as an admin does not refresh the drop down
UI: Add thumbnails to face profile tool in asset details
SEO: Enable google Analytics on all sites
SEO: Keyword analysis
SEO: Enable Referal codes
SEO: Campaign to track visitors with a cookie
SEO Enable Sitemaps
SEO: cehck on Robots.txt
SEO: Make Parnerinships: LucidLink Wordpress etc Website
SEO 2. Community Grid boxes need descriptions
SEO: Add Powered By eMedia text section to all community sites
SEO: Guide
SEO: SEO - Check all out titles
SEO: Test Web Workflow. Login, chat with us etc
SEO: Test Desktop Download potential clients can email us for easily
SEO: Sales: Prepare mass email for next release 11.5 Jan 5th
SEO: Set titles in knowlege base
AI Add Outputs Box
AI Content list pull from ajax
AI Add a contentcreator id to each entity search by it
AI: Add permissions to content creator icon on top
AI Add Number of records to create
CB Java: Refresh lightboxes
CB Java: In Submodule Add New add AI header button
Java: Check for aiaddnew view if not found use addnew view
Java: Create an entire book. Add sections for image and one to manys
Java: Default LLM to GTP.
Java: Add aienabled catalogsetting
Java: Tag assets. Add a boolean to assets so they dont run twice
Java: Asset Type missing from summary
Java: Ian, How can I edit someones book? Add Editors fields to entity permissions
Java: Add more roles for editing. viewer,owner,editor add list of editors 3 fields
Java: Video player not working
Java: Template, reindex and Click on all views
Java: Asset details Image conversions has a debug line
Java: Check all $val and use $value
Christopher B
1/16/25, 10:59:43 AM EST
Java: Entity Green links not opening on top of entitydialog
Java: Entity Picker for Person from Profile has 404 view
Java: Where are faceprofiles working? em11
Java/UI: Check all AI Permissions and default to on. Also on entity
Java: Settings | User Manager clean up
Java: Add Group Chats are working. SEO friendly and easy funnel for new users to chat
Lower Priority:
Java: eInnnovation needs to update the Feed on the home page.
Java: Use Postiz API to share posts from witin einnovation to multiple channels at once.
Java: Move entity does not reload entity
Java: Add Label setting for the Guide button on the top of the site
Java: Check all default asset permissions
Java: Enforce path actions permissions
Java: Manager not deploying good finder applicationids and editors broke
Java: OI Get View Reservations:
Java: Save not saving in AI dialog
Java: Ability to include existing tags in AI dialogs
Java: Add optional tag to AI tags
Java: Administrator who is not the admin user could not do any user admin stuff in User Manager. Permission errors
Java: Make Customizations settings replace the manager snapshots. With all the same features but inside the settings
Java: Make a data editor emdialog for prosetparameter editing
CB Java: Feature: Add saving data edit history on entities
X Linux: Upgrade AGBU test instance and test everything
X Customer: TAE - Setup meeting to do login fixes
Customer: Ian Alfred Add Dropbox
Customer: Alfred make sourcepath Script (started)
Customer: Alfred Order more hard drives for m37
Customer: OI Form bugs for finances. Cant add expenses
Customer: Test AGBU Inspect one image to see what to do and deploy any fixes
Customer: OI email Blog posts to all followers. Include a link to unfollow and what email was used
Customer: OI Test the commenting on blog posts
Customer: OI Import all existing entermediadb users from all websites as followers of:
Customer: Exensio - Write Script that ports assets into categories Assets are tagged with product info. Make a new Product Entity and write a script to gather the products into its category structure
Customer: Alfred - Dropbox impoprt, Upgrade and test
Customer: eBooks: PDF Black thumbnail someplaces (white background?)
Customer: eBooks Can we remove/hide OI tables from finder deployments?
Customer: eBooks Add eCommerce to sell digital downloads in ebooks site
Customer: eBooks:Dont convert all PDF the pages on eBooks site. Its an OI preset set wrong
Customer: eBooks Make new entity with AI that will have an AI checkbox option that will generate all sub modules all at once
Customer: All Create a Language Model from the Catalog itself that works with oollama
Customer: Postiz remove Google/email and add eMedia oauth provider
Customer: OI add new project view
Linux: Enable webp on sites
Linux: Change admin passwords on common roots einnovation and ebooks
Linux: Alfred - Deploy Ians Dropbox importing
Linux: Alfred - Enable WebP
Linux: Commonroots: deploy community
UI: brick Prerender the searchcategory grid brick layout. Put default values for x and y
X UI: OE add media picker button
X UI: Test Dont have duplicate toasts instances
X UI Add Default Theme setting for catalog (use side buttons?)
X UI: Add Postiz Export option. Look into API. Make it a step by step guide
X UI: CK Editor support in community apps. Make sure it saved the value
X UI: Click and drag off a form closes the forms
UI: Add a back button on the login registration
X UI: eBooks:CB: add more Hints to each data entry field. Make sure they show in the AI dialog
X UI: Should be able to auto generate a prompt like this:
x UI: Clean up Settings | Files | Asset Type UI
UI: Fix logo on all emails
X UI: When in Bookmark area show bookmark button selected
UI: wrong Favicon:
X UI: Need Favicons for ALL sites. ebooks. einnovation emedialibrary
X ? UI: When I downloaded an original from Entity files area, it worked but the sidebar download icon did not stop spinning
UI: common roots add Songs and Film searches
UI: commonroots Add an open APP button to (uploader app?)
UI: commonroots Have easy way to download and use desktop app?
UI: add community chat to all sites.
UI: Enable Ajax login sequence for chats
UI: Test chat pagination for SEO
nice to have:
UI: Clean up HTML from Guides once Christopher is done
UI: In Data editing, Saving a new list item as an admin does not refresh the drop down
UI: Add thumbnails to face profile tool in asset details
SEO: Enable google Analytics on all sites
SEO: Keyword analysis
SEO: Enable Referal codes
SEO: Campaign to track visitors with a cookie
SEO Enable Sitemaps
SEO: cehck on Robots.txt
SEO: Make Parnerinships: LucidLink Wordpress etc Website
SEO 2. Community Grid boxes need descriptions
SEO: Add Powered By eMedia text section to all community sites
SEO: Guide
SEO: SEO - Check all out titles
SEO: Test Web Workflow. Login, chat with us etc
SEO: Test Desktop Download potential clients can email us for easily
SEO: Sales: Prepare mass email for next release 11.5 Jan 5th
SEO: Set titles in knowlege base
SEO: Add better README for GitHub
AI Add Outputs Box
AI Content list pull from ajax
AI Add a contentcreator id to each entity search by it
AI: Add permissions to content creator icon on top
AI Add Number of records to create
CB Java: Refresh lightboxes
CB Java: In Submodule Add New add AI header button
Java: Check for aiaddnew view if not found use addnew view
Java: Create an entire book. Add sections for image and one to manys
Java: Default LLM to GTP.
Java: Add aienabled catalogsetting
Java: Tag assets. Add a boolean to assets so they dont run twice
Java: Asset Type missing from summary
Java: Ian, How can I edit someones book? Add Editors fields to entity permissions
Java: Add more roles for editing. viewer,owner,editor add list of editors 3 fields
Java: Video player not working
Java: Template, reindex and Click on all views
Java: Asset details Image conversions has a debug line
Java: Check all $val and use $value
Ian M
1/17/25, 9:53:56 AM EST
Hey all! Give this a read please, first fraft but I like the pieces - feeback requested! # AI-Powered Enhancements for EnterMedia Digital Asset Management (DAM)
## Transforming a DAM into an AI-Powered Powerhouse
EnterMedia has taken what was once a conventional Digital Asset Management (DAM) system and infused it with groundbreaking AI capabilities, transforming it into a powerful end-to-end workflow for managing and utilizing digital assets, in turn allowing knowledge extraction and new content development deeply supported by AI.
### Integration of Disparate Media Sources
One of the standout features of EnterMedia’s AI-enhanced DAM is its ability to integrate seamlessly with a variety of media sources, including file systems, Dropbox, S3, Google Drive, and more. This functionality enables disparate files to be effortlessly pulled into the DAM, providing a centralized location for all digital assets. Once imported, AI tools take over, dynamically and automatically tagging these files based on their content. This tagging not only organizes assets but also enriches the system with contextual metadata, turning the DAM into a repository of knowledge—a "DAM attached memory"—that can support future AI-driven initiatives.
### Dynamic Tagging and Memory Building
Unlike purely vector-based solutions, our automatic taxonomy development and metadata creation tools facilitate a shared language between AI tools and humans. The AI’s ability to understand and tag content dynamically transforms static files into active resources. These tagged assets form the foundation of an intelligent system that can:
- Recognize patterns and relationships between assets.
- Suggest relevant content for ongoing projects.
- Serve as training data or reference material for further AI development.
### Intelligent Content and Asset Creation
Beyond organizing and enriching existing assets, EnterMedia’s AI capabilities extend to the intelligent creation of new content. By leveraging the context of existing files, the DAM can:
- Generate tailored text and content that aligns with ongoing projects.
- Create contextual images and assets, utilizing advanced AI models.
- Enhance creative workflows by offering suggestions and completing repetitive tasks.
### Revolutionizing Workflows with AI
These enhancements turn EnterMedia’s DAM into much more than just a storage system—it becomes an active participant in the creative and organizational process. By bridging disparate media sources with cutting-edge AI tools, EnterMedia empowers users to:
- Save time on asset organization and retrieval.
- Produce higher-quality, context-aware content.
- Unlock the full potential of their digital assets for innovation and creativity.
In summary, EnterMedia’s AI-powered features not only streamline asset management but also provide a foundation for intelligent content creation and deeper organizational insights, making it an indispensable tool for modern businesses.
Ian M
1/17/25, 3:42:46 PM EST
--------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Open Institute <>
Date: Fri, Jan 17, 2025 at 1:51 PM
Subject: Added to Team
To: Ian.M <>
404: /site/community/theme/emails/collection-add-teammember.html
Christopher B
1/19/25, 9:09:25 AM EST
UI Top Priority:
UI: Fix Desktop library menu on desktop app
ui: Desktop Release new version that works with . in paths
UI: Add Permissions list to Entity. Add drop down for viewing, editing or remove.
Nice to have:
UI: email sent has a 404: /site/community/theme/emails/collection-add-teammember.html
UI: Clean up add community chat to all sites.
UI: Clean up
UI: Add download link to top of all the guides.
UI: Add more instructions to bottom of this page:
UI: Enable Ajax login sequence for chats. Like Userview: /site/find/views/modules/pubbook/userview/AZQJJrnlWptobIlKv-MC/AI-Development-Tools.html
UI: Video/PDF assets thumbnails not showing the white play button overlay
UI: Asset dialog control right click not going to next or previus asset
UI: Add a back button on the login registration
UI: Fix logo on all emails. Add to Team
UI: wrong Favicon:
UI: Clean up HTML from eMediaLibrary Guides once Christopher is done
UI: In Data editing, Saving a new list item as an admin does not refresh the drop down
UI: Add thumbnails to face profile tool in asset details
UI: common roots add Songs and Film searches
Christopher B
1/26/25, 11:02:06 AM EST
End of Jan:
Java: Add entity edit text versions history
UI: common roots add Songs and Film searches
UI: email sent has a 404: /site/community/theme/emails/collection-add-teammember.html
UI: Clean up add community chat to all sites.
UI: Enable Ajax login sequence for chats. Like Userview: /site/find/views/modules/pubbook/userview/AZQJJrnlWptobIlKv-MC/AI-Development-Tools.html
Ian: Integrate postiz
Java: Settings | User Manager clean up
Java: Add Group Chats are working. SEO friendly and easy funnel for new users to chat
Java: Add facebook and Instsgram to postiz
Java: CB Feature: Add saving data edit history on entities
Java: eInnnovation needs to update the Feed on the home page.
Java: Use Postiz API to share posts from witin einnovation to multiple channels at once.
Customer: Ian Alfred Add Dropbox
Customer: Alfred make sourcepath Script (started)
Customer: Alfred Order more hard drives for m37
Customer: OI: Cant upload videos
Customer: OI email Blog posts to all followers. Include a link to unfollow and what email was used
Customer: OI Test the commenting on blog posts
Customer: OI Import all existing entermediadb users from all websites as followers of:
Customer: Alfred - Dropbox impoprt, Upgrade and test
Customer: eBooks Add eCommerce to sell digital downloads in ebooks site
Customer: All Create a Language Model from the Catalog itself that works with oollama
Customer: Postiz remove Google/email and add eMedia oauth provider
Customer: Deploy Crystal site
Customer: Enable Facial recognition on all libraries
UI: Fix logo on all emails. Add to Team
OI Community AI newsletter auto created content. List of AI created summary of Zoom calls and OI Chats for the day. GIT Checkings
OI Followers get Blogs and Newsletter emailed to them
Online Sales: check on Robots.txt
Online Sales: SEO - Check all out titles
Online Sales: Test Web Workflow. Login, chat with us etc
Online Sales: Test Desktop Download potential clients can email us for easily
Java: OI add followers view link for admin users
Java: Add API link in eMediaLibrary Project for Germans to download acctivity for referal links
Java: Clean up My Account on with clear link to referals
Lower Priority:
Ian: Version control text edits
Ian: Train AI. To be me
Java: Where are faceprofiles working? em11
Java: Move entity does not reload entity
Java: Add Label setting for the Guide button on the top of the site
Java: Check all default asset permissions
Java: Enforce path actions permissions
Java: Manager not deploying good finder applicationids and editors broke
Java: OI Get View Reservations:
Java: Save not saving in AI dialog
? Java: Ability to include existing tags in AI dialogs
? Java: Add optional tag to AI tags
Java: Administrator who is not the admin user could not do any user admin stuff in User Manager. Permission errors
Java: Make Customizations settings replace the manager snapshots. With all the same features but inside the settings
Java: Make a data editor emdialog for prosetparameter editing
Customer: Exensio - Write Script that ports assets into categories Assets are tagged with product info. Make a new Product Entity and write a script to gather the products into its category structure
Customer: eBooks: PDF Black thumbnail someplaces (white background?)
Customer: eBooks Can we remove/hide OI tables from finder deployments?
Customer: eBooks:Dont convert all PDF the pages on eBooks site. Its an OI preset set wrong
Customer: eBooks Make new entity with AI that will have an AI checkbox option that will generate all sub modules all at once
Customer: OI add new project view
Linux: Enable webp on sites
Linux: Change admin passwords on common roots einnovation and ebooks
Linux: Alfred - Deploy Ians Dropbox importing
Linux: Alfred - Enable WebP
Java: Set height and width on PDF assets
UI: Add thumbnails to face profile tool in asset details
SEO: Enable google Analytics on all sites
SEO: Keyword analysis
SEO: Enable Referal codes
SEO: Campaign to track visitors with a cookie
SEO Enable Sitemaps
Online Sales: Make Parnerinships: LucidLink Wordpress etc Website
SEO 2. Community Grid boxes need descriptions
SEO: Add Powered By eMedia text section to all community sites
X SEO: Guide
SEO: Sales: Prepare mass email for next release 11.5 Jan 5th
SEO: Set titles in knowlege base
SEO: Add better README for GitHub
AI Add Number of records to create
Java: Create an entire book. Add sections for image and one to manys
Java: Template, reindex and Click on all views
Christopher B
1/29/25, 10:17:27 AM EST
CM: einnovation enable the entity chat box
SK: Fix timezone on Schedule a meeting
CM: Entity Dialog Share links to entities not updating url bar
SK: Cant add two HTML forms on one eInnovation post. Might effect guide editing
Ian: common roots add Songs and Film searches
CM: Clean up add community chat to all sites.
CB: Desktop landing page
Claire H
2/1/25, 8:08:16 PM EST
Christopher: Make a Digital Watermark feature on Common Roots for Beat makers/sellers