Christopher B
7/2/24, 6:45:05 PM EDT
Hey, I will deploy it just in case. We can just keep fixing things on there until its all working
Christopher B
7/2/24, 6:45:33 PM EDT
Shakil, this page is taking forever to show results:
Shakil A
7/3/24, 10:46:19 AM EDT
can you pull and redeploy? made a change, could be the solution for delayed first paint
Cristobal M
7/4/24, 8:21:57 PM EDT
I Fixed the sidebar inside other projects, like the emedia, there was a lot of problems like double included different bootstrap versions, all the _site.xconfs includes are a mess, I been cleaning a lot of the pages.
Also applied the ajax login sequence, and it is working ok now.
for the emedia projects, the homepage is still messy, I'll need work on it little bit more, looks like a some missing css's.
Also applied the ajax login sequence, and it is working ok now.
for the emedia projects, the homepage is still messy, I'll need work on it little bit more, looks like a some missing css's.
Christopher B
7/24/24, 8:22:39 PM EDT
We Want to support multi language product names that also can send invoices ok.
Christopher B
8/2/24, 2:40:05 PM EDT
Cristobal: Some bugs on eMedia community 1. on left side add a link back to ea:
Make chat and goals full width: see:
The team circle is not refreshing when I change a role and save it
No way to add a new blog entry
Make chat and goals full width: see:
The team circle is not refreshing when I change a role and save it
No way to add a new blog entry
Cristobal M
8/2/24, 4:44:40 PM EDT
Wow, whole OI was broken just because a chat message containing a (dollar sign) variable at certain position, the url_util.escapeMessage method passes to Matcher.class thats throws an exception because the dolar-sign not followed of a number
Cristobal M
8/2/24, 9:28:51 PM EDT
fixed some of the bugs, noticed one last minute but no chance to fix it (run out of time): When adding roles it refreshes all the chat messages, easy fix, first time monday.
Jessica S
8/5/24, 11:16:21 AM EDT
There's an issue with the Description Field. Data does not appear when the edit button is clicked to open the entry. Data can be lost.
Christopher B
8/8/24, 12:51:15 PM EDT
Bug: change sidebar links to be new style.
Request: Auto redirect app projects to community
Bug: Add community domain to all email notifications. Login, chats, invoices etc
Request: Auto redirect app projects to community
Bug: Add community domain to all email notifications. Login, chats, invoices etc
Jessica S
8/13/24, 4:26:14 PM EDT
I am not able to go in to older records to view the details of the transaction. There is no edit button available.
Cristobal M
8/13/24, 8:23:18 PM EDT
Hello, I'been working on the Finances section that is the only one missing to adapt to the new Layout, I'm pretty close, I'll think by tomorrow I can deploy it to the live site.
If there is something important you wanna grab from one of the project chats, I can probably find a way to send those tou you. But if not Im so confident tomorrow we can update OI to the new version.
If there is something important you wanna grab from one of the project chats, I can probably find a way to send those tou you. But if not Im so confident tomorrow we can update OI to the new version.
Christopher B
3/7/25, 4:37:40 PM EST
I noticed two OI bugs. One is the browser resized down cuts off te Finances menu on smaller laptops. #2 There is not date picker anymore in Finances Expenses.