Community Ideas

Some ideas to improve the eMedia community area

Christopher B · 381 Days ago
Financial Notes: Add multi currency total to reports to Accounts Add Euros as a currency Add Non-Capital report to Accounts Rename View Investments button to View Investment Total Capital Investment Total should only include Capital Investment, Disbustments and Depreciating Assets Fix Capital Expenses showing up in Profit and Loss Fix reimbursements UI to search Expenses (running total for each person) Nice to have: Add Depreciation Schedule report Scrub ids on import so they are unique across collections Format Expense table description Append to Reimburstments and Investments menu items the words (Not used) Airbnb payment process: Add AirBnb Income to Jessica Priamary Add Expense: Capital: Reimbursed from Jessica Primary (to Christopher) Christopher adds Expenses as they come up from his Primary Account (add my name and say was reimbursed) Flip back to needs reimbursed remove was reimbursed value and date Add all the loans
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