Christopher B
9/11/23, 12:03:10 PM EDT
OI Agenda Sep 11
Make "New Agendas" button that adds to the Agendas (old Level 1)
Moves everything else to Level 2
Use a template or form for agenda info
Change colors for Agenda and requested items
Add all clients to OI
Enhance privacy, lock down "Commercial" projects
Move away from Spreadsheets. Copy the data into an Agenda
Christopher B
9/12/23, 1:17:59 PM EDT
Shakil, can you also take a look at the sidebar? We would like it to push the content over again like it used to do. It also does not look good on the home page.
Christopher B
9/15/23, 10:40:34 AM EDT
Claire, so my summary is that each project has one main Public Forum and Direct Message area. But the Team Messages are actually tied to the goals
Christopher B
9/15/23, 11:39:51 AM EDT
I just got off the phone with another user. They want to add their clients to OI but would also like to offer investors to apply to be corporate sponsors for projects. So they would buy OI Work points as shares in the project. The Work points could go up 10% a year and there could be a buy back offer if sales go up
Cristobal M
9/15/23, 1:11:09 PM EDT
Once you close the user-sidebar there is no way to keep it open again, I think he removed the saving to profile preference.
I'm not touching that, just noticed.
Claire S
9/15/23, 6:50:44 PM EDT
Hi Christopher, Here are the notes from our meeting earlier:
To do list:
Emedia are the three major things on the to do list right now, We’d like to somehow figure out a way to combine these projects into one integrated one in the future. Through developing a viable team chat and email portal, we can streamline productivity.
Roles to expect to see
decision making,
People also need to know what is expected of them in order to feel like they have Permission to step up and be inventive, or creative. They will feel comfortable once people understand their roles better.
Types of communications we need to build an interface for that works:
1. Initial interested parties
2. Incoming messages,
3. Individual conversations
4. Main channel and splinter offs.
Brainstorming ideas:
* EG One thread for every person
* A list of every customer’s thread to click on and expand
* Sales support, or tech? Tags sort communication
* Bold = Unread, Unbold = Read
* Private vs Public
* Teams notified for messages incoming. Permissions.
* Events
* Tags for events, projects, locations, brands, etc.
* Combine concepts of forums with email inbox with tickets
* Add conversations TO tickets with teams assigned to them. Like a psuedo forum.
* Balance too much/vs not enough notifications.
* Shared/vs custom screen? So everyone is on the same page.
Christopher B
9/22/23, 11:56:59 PM EDT
Financial Notes:
Add multi currency total to reports to Accounts
Add Euros as a currency
Add Non-Capital report to Accounts
Rename View Investments button to View Investment Total
Capital Investment Total should only include Capital Investment, Disbustments and Depreciating Assets
Fix Capital Expenses showing up in Profit and Loss
Fix reimbursements UI to search Expenses (running total for each person)
Nice to have:
Add Depreciation Schedule report
Scrub ids on import so they are unique across collections
Format Expense table description
Append to Reimburstments and Investments menu items the words (Not used)
Airbnb payment process:
Add AirBnb Income to Jessica Priamary
Add Expense: Capital: Reimbursed from Jessica Primary (to Christopher)
Christopher adds Expenses as they come up from his Primary Account (add my name and say was reimbursed)
Flip back to needs reimbursed
remove was reimbursed value and date
Add all the loans
Christopher B
9/26/23, 9:22:44 PM EDT
Bugs: After saving Expense results loses sort and pagination
After import does not reload search fast enough
Christopher B
9/30/23, 10:42:50 AM EDT
Shakil, looks like our search does not work on Mobile. It just spins and never searches. Maybe we should use the "key up" instead of "key down"
Shakil A
10/2/23, 8:43:39 AM EDT
Christopher B
Shakil, looks like our search does not work on Mobile. It just spins and never searches. Maybe we should use the "key up" instead of "key down"
keyip/keydown shouldn't be the problem, checking
Shakil A
10/2/23, 8:45:23 AM EDT
uh, I see... can you try changing "keyup" to "keyup input" in the event parameter?
this is on oicomponent.js at line 40
Cristobal M
10/18/23, 11:14:16 AM EDT
JSON list of emojis:
Christopher B
11/20/23, 4:32:24 PM EST
Shakil, I am just not seeing your messages. Ok we will look into it
Christopher B
11/27/23, 12:46:04 PM EST
Make eMedia landing page with project list as a sortable data table
Redesign Project Landing pages:
Update Chat to be left/right style:
Shakil A
11/28/23, 6:26:24 AM EST
Hi Chris, check out the eMedia project list page and let me know if you are happy with it.