Christopher B
1/29/25, 12:16:43 AM EST
Hi Claire, I updated the sites. Lets meet tomorrow and review how work on emails? I made some tweaks to Holdens email. I might send it tomorrow!
Claire S
1/29/25, 12:07:04 PM EST
Did you have a chance to check out the revision I posted of the email? I was playing around with some tweaks
Dieneke S
1/31/25, 10:42:07 AM EST add emedia library here
Dieneke S
2/4/25, 10:27:52 AM EST new scenario UN
Cristobal M
2/10/25, 6:44:37 PM EST
I finished setting up Templates, all of them ready, relatively easy to setup:
-Add domainlists to communittagcategory/base.xml
-Update both instances (there is an individual jenkins update task)
-Add new catalog on bot template an live sites instances, configure domain
-Login once to the new catalog (this to fix template, I think this should be fixed in regular deploy scripts)
-Copy template data to live sites.