Robert B
10/23/24, 11:17:21 AM EDT
Hi Christopher, I'm on the call if you want to join. Parsing through some of the community links and could use your guidance.
Robert B
10/28/24, 2:32:50 PM EDT
Sana AI summary of Kennedy demo meeting:
Robert B
10/28/24, 2:34:40 PM EDT
The premium version of Fathom seems to be better. Also, I don't think we should use the video from either of these bots as it includes bits of the Zoom interface and doesn't look professional. Better off using desktop recording tools.
Robert B
10/28/24, 3:50:45 PM EDT
Also, maybe because my free trial expired, I don't see a way to download the video from Fathom.
Christopher B
10/29/24, 10:43:48 AM EDT
Yeah that summary was not helpful. We can try again and just record the video and you make the storyboard in Canva manually.
Christopher B
10/29/24, 10:44:19 AM EDT
I guess that meeting would be more about the smart organizer
Christopher B
10/29/24, 10:44:59 AM EDT
Lets discuss. One video for the smart organizer and one for desktop tool. Maybe he can make both with us
Robert B
10/29/24, 11:19:39 AM EDT
I'm working on Canva storyboard. Do you want to hold off on the follow-ups with Kennedy until these are done? What about Springer?
Robert B
10/29/24, 2:53:48 PM EDT
Christopher, you mentioned setting up a mindmap for the video. Do you have a preferred tool for this? Or did I misunderstand and you intended for the storyboard to fill that role?
Christopher B
10/30/24, 10:57:04 AM EDT
Canva is fine. I am waiting for you to make this happen. Setup a meeting or send me a draft of the story. Your job is to do advocacy and a video a good tool to do that with.
Robert B
10/30/24, 12:07:56 PM EDT
Hey Christopher, Dienke and I are on the mktg call now and would like some things clarified, can you join us now?
Christopher B
10/30/24, 12:21:52 PM EDT
Robert B
10/31/24, 4:32:14 PM EDT
Hey Christopher. I don't think we have much useful from the re-record attempt today. Shall we try again tomorrow, once all the bugs you found are sorted? Let me know and I'll put it on the calendar.
Robert B
10/31/24, 4:33:45 PM EDT
Also, I took a stab at conforming the mind map to better fit the theme of the other slides we made. Have a look and let me know how bad it is... ;) Be kind, I'm no graphic designer! It's in the folder we made for the other slides.
Dieneke S
11/5/24, 10:33:42 AM EST
Seems like the saudi arabia party is back in the game. See email. They want to discuss partnership options....
Christopher B
11/6/24, 1:52:10 PM EST
Dieneke, my feedback for Exensio is to mention that this will expedite the upgrade process. Otherwise looks good