Christopher B
12/3/24, 12:37:12 PM EST
Feature: Ad postiz
Dieneke S
12/4/24, 11:17:17 AM EST Cristobal, I clicked 3 times to publish, can you remove 2 posts?
Christopher B
12/5/24, 6:40:55 PM EST
eInnovation is a free Community Hub for Content Creators
For individuals who want an open platform to store and share their Digital Content and maintain full ownership and control of their files.
The platformm is built entitely using open source and operated under a 501C non-profit Community driven and supported by its users.
eMediaLibrary profides commercial hosting and development support. They fund development by creating private libraries for larger organization such as the Canadian Broadcast Corporation and the United Nations!
Create your own project folders and Content Folders. Store all the related photos, videos, and documents.
Use AI to create and save multiple Content Folders ideas based on the preferences of each project. Select the best to keep or collaborate!
Online Video playback and Proxy creation
Desktop Tool for gigaspeed Uploads/Download and local file editing
Online Image Editing
Create multiple Projects with sub folders to organize all your project files and Content Folders
Collaboration on projects with chat and customizable permissions
Using finished media or videos files from the project folders and create a Social Sharing to Facebook etc
Create Schedule posts and track Impressions or followers using POSTIZ
Free SEO Backlinks from search engine friendly home page for more SEO hits for published content.
Tried and True (Online Content Editing Desktop)
Kennnedy (workflow notifications)
PureDigital (postiz Social Sharing, with AI)
For individuals who want an open platform to store and share their Digital Content and maintain full ownership and control of their files.
The platformm is built entitely using open source and operated under a 501C non-profit Community driven and supported by its users.
eMediaLibrary profides commercial hosting and development support. They fund development by creating private libraries for larger organization such as the Canadian Broadcast Corporation and the United Nations!
Create your own project folders and Content Folders. Store all the related photos, videos, and documents.
Use AI to create and save multiple Content Folders ideas based on the preferences of each project. Select the best to keep or collaborate!
Online Video playback and Proxy creation
Desktop Tool for gigaspeed Uploads/Download and local file editing
Online Image Editing
Create multiple Projects with sub folders to organize all your project files and Content Folders
Collaboration on projects with chat and customizable permissions
Using finished media or videos files from the project folders and create a Social Sharing to Facebook etc
Create Schedule posts and track Impressions or followers using POSTIZ
Free SEO Backlinks from search engine friendly home page for more SEO hits for published content.
Tried and True (Online Content Editing Desktop)
Kennnedy (workflow notifications)
PureDigital (postiz Social Sharing, with AI)
Dieneke S
12/10/24, 12:43:14 PM EST
Welcome to eInnovation – Your Creative Hub
eInnovation is a free, open platform for storing, sharing and organizing your digital content. Here, you stay in control of your files while connecting with a community of creators.
What’s It About?
Built with open-source tools and supported by a non-profit, eInnovation is a space for collaboration and creativity. It’s powered by eMedia Library, which funds the project by creating private libraries for big names like the UN and CBC.
What Can You Do?
Organize Projects: Create folders for photos, videos, and documents. AI can help brainstorm ideas for content folders too.
Work Seamlessly: Use our desktop tool for fast uploads and downloads. Edit files and images directly on the platform.
Collaborate: Share files, chat with your team, and set permissions.
Share Your Work: Schedule posts for social media and track how they perform with POSTIZ.
Get Found: Publish content and benefit from SEO-friendly backlinks through the eInnovation homepage.
It’s simple, efficient, and built for creators by creators.
Join Us! Explore eInnovation, and see how it fits your creative process. It’s free, it’s open and it’s all yours.
eInnovation is a free, open platform for storing, sharing and organizing your digital content. Here, you stay in control of your files while connecting with a community of creators.
What’s It About?
Built with open-source tools and supported by a non-profit, eInnovation is a space for collaboration and creativity. It’s powered by eMedia Library, which funds the project by creating private libraries for big names like the UN and CBC.
What Can You Do?
Organize Projects: Create folders for photos, videos, and documents. AI can help brainstorm ideas for content folders too.
Work Seamlessly: Use our desktop tool for fast uploads and downloads. Edit files and images directly on the platform.
Collaborate: Share files, chat with your team, and set permissions.
Share Your Work: Schedule posts for social media and track how they perform with POSTIZ.
Get Found: Publish content and benefit from SEO-friendly backlinks through the eInnovation homepage.
It’s simple, efficient, and built for creators by creators.
Join Us! Explore eInnovation, and see how it fits your creative process. It’s free, it’s open and it’s all yours.
Dieneke S
12/10/24, 2:25:28 PM EST
A new blog for eInnovation, changed the name of the OI project. Now the old blog needs to be removed and the template link working, let me know when it does!
Christopher B
1/8/25, 12:23:58 PM EST
Dieneke S
1/8/25, 1:34:41 PM EST
created personal profile producthunt
wrote G2 again with our product
wrote G2 again with our product
Christopher B
1/9/25, 10:41:53 AM EST
Thank yes please update here if you make any progress on registering our company anyplace
Dieneke S
1/9/25, 11:24:16 AM EST made a company account, please christopher, cristobal, add a personal account so i can add you to the company
Dieneke S
1/9/25, 11:45:42 AM EST
set up account getapp, applied again for gartner with emedialibrart
Christopher B
1/26/25, 11:00:44 AM EST
End of Jan:
Java: Add entity edit text versions history
UI: common roots add Songs and Film searches
UI: email sent has a 404: /site/community/theme/emails/collection-add-teammember.html
UI: Clean up add community chat to all sites.
UI: Enable Ajax login sequence for chats. Like Userview: /site/find/views/modules/pubbook/userview/AZQJJrnlWptobIlKv-MC/AI-Development-Tools.html
Ian: Integrate postiz
Java: Settings | User Manager clean up
Java: Add Group Chats are working. SEO friendly and easy funnel for new users to chat
Java: Add facebook and Instsgram to postiz
Java: CB Feature: Add saving data edit history on entities
Java: eInnnovation needs to update the Feed on the home page.
Java: Use Postiz API to share posts from witin einnovation to multiple channels at once.
Customer: Ian Alfred Add Dropbox
Customer: Alfred make sourcepath Script (started)
Customer: Alfred Order more hard drives for m37
Customer: OI: Cant upload videos
Customer: OI email Blog posts to all followers. Include a link to unfollow and what email was used
Customer: OI Test the commenting on blog posts
Customer: OI Import all existing entermediadb users from all websites as followers of:
Customer: Alfred - Dropbox impoprt, Upgrade and test
Customer: eBooks Add eCommerce to sell digital downloads in ebooks site
Customer: All Create a Language Model from the Catalog itself that works with oollama
Customer: Postiz remove Google/email and add eMedia oauth provider
Customer: Deploy Crystal site
Customer: Enable Facial recognition on all libraries
UI: Fix logo on all emails. Add to Team
OI Community AI newsletter auto created content. List of AI created summary of Zoom calls and OI Chats for the day. GIT Checkings
OI Followers get Blogs and Newsletter emailed to them
Online Sales: check on Robots.txt
Online Sales: SEO - Check all out titles
Online Sales: Test Web Workflow. Login, chat with us etc
Online Sales: Test Desktop Download potential clients can email us for easily
Java: OI add followers view link for admin users
Java: Add API link in eMediaLibrary Project for Germans to download acctivity for referal links
Java: Clean up My Account on with clear link to referals
Lower Priority:
Ian: Version control text edits
Ian: Train AI. To be me
Java: Where are faceprofiles working? em11
Java: Move entity does not reload entity
Java: Add Label setting for the Guide button on the top of the site
Java: Check all default asset permissions
Java: Enforce path actions permissions
Java: Manager not deploying good finder applicationids and editors broke
Java: OI Get View Reservations:
Java: Save not saving in AI dialog
? Java: Ability to include existing tags in AI dialogs
? Java: Add optional tag to AI tags
Java: Administrator who is not the admin user could not do any user admin stuff in User Manager. Permission errors
Java: Make Customizations settings replace the manager snapshots. With all the same features but inside the settings
Java: Make a data editor emdialog for prosetparameter editing
Customer: Exensio - Write Script that ports assets into categories Assets are tagged with product info. Make a new Product Entity and write a script to gather the products into its category structure
Customer: eBooks: PDF Black thumbnail someplaces (white background?)
Customer: eBooks Can we remove/hide OI tables from finder deployments?
Customer: eBooks:Dont convert all PDF the pages on eBooks site. Its an OI preset set wrong
Customer: eBooks Make new entity with AI that will have an AI checkbox option that will generate all sub modules all at once
Customer: OI add new project view
Linux: Enable webp on sites
Linux: Change admin passwords on common roots einnovation and ebooks
Linux: Alfred - Deploy Ians Dropbox importing
Linux: Alfred - Enable WebP
Java: Set height and width on PDF assets
UI: Add thumbnails to face profile tool in asset details
SEO: Enable google Analytics on all sites
SEO: Keyword analysis
SEO: Enable Referal codes
SEO: Campaign to track visitors with a cookie
SEO Enable Sitemaps
Online Sales: Make Parnerinships: LucidLink Wordpress etc Website
SEO 2. Community Grid boxes need descriptions
SEO: Add Powered By eMedia text section to all community sites
X SEO: Guide
SEO: Sales: Prepare mass email for next release 11.5 Jan 5th
SEO: Set titles in knowlege base
SEO: Add better README for GitHub
AI Add Number of records to create
Java: Create an entire book. Add sections for image and one to manys
Java: Template, reindex and Click on all views
2/5/25, 11:57:11 AM EST
Once Marketing Phase begins, Here is a list of links for possible outreach:
Claire S
2/6/25, 5:44:07 PM EST This is a great post if someone wants to start outreach to this guy