Errors/Notes/Suggestions 1

Sólo para mencionarlo:

- El display en los miembros del Team tiene un error en cuanto  aque nos nombres aparecen enciamdos. 

- El ícono de persona en perfil sin foto puede percibirse como un carita triste. 

Alex G · 830 Days ago
Gracias por el comentario, estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices.
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Final Round of Logos and Color Schemes

Hi guys, here the latest iterations after our last meeting. Let me know what version is the final selected one and I can prepare files for you guys. 

Alex G · 835 Days ago
Thank you! Very good 👍🏽
Looks great, thanks!
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Graphic Style Proposal

Hi there, 
Here goes the proposal for the visual updated for the Open Institute redesign. There are many routes to take from here, but lets see how these intial options land and we can redirect it. 

Its looks great Miquel! Thanks for sending the design
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About us V4

About Us landing page. Change of color and text

About us 3

Proposal modification for About Us landing page

Looks great! I would change the grey colors to something more lively. Or lighters shades of grey.
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Pictures from yeterday