Cheryl R
11/8/23, 6:21:14 PM EST
Can Activities, Departments, People and Collaboration Folders have an option to be viewed as folders like we do in the Saved section?
Cheryl R
11/8/23, 6:22:42 PM EST
The gear icon appears in 2 places, let's keep the one at the left menu and remove the other one as it's harder to close out of.
Dieneke S
11/9/23, 10:20:36 AM EST link for meeting at 11am ET
Cristobal M
11/9/23, 10:43:05 AM EST
Updated list
Share icon on the table icon view
X Keep Pages Sort order
X Add a permission for "My Files"
Cleanup conversions presets
X Add top menu to Assets "Add To" be a drop down of "Activities etc" shows Entity table
For One to Many Entities. Start with search when adding new and add a big create new button
Point sort icon up
Add unique icons to Entity Tabs
Add share icon to the right of entity dialog header
Permission to hide all activities?
Add share with link to activity table
Can we crop any sizes?
Rights management files. or folders secret
X Finding file from users
X My Account - needs and X and Dashboard
Remove one to many views from bottom of Entity tables
X Search results, show only two rows of type ahead keywords
Reformat entities to have a column of text on right of folders. Maybe put icon on tab?
X Put entity name on tab?
Dieneke S
11/9/23, 12:09:14 PM EST
Babson 9/11
Demo with designers yesterday. Marissa joined today's meeting based on intuitive. The saved is going to be very helpful, as well as collaboration.
- Heic files thumbnails are possible, but they get a conversion error
- My order -> want to see one thumbnail from the set of downloaded pictures
- gear icon / properties is a shortcut to data entities area.
- saved is gone in my dashboard in sticky menu, bring back. Done is a permission thing.
- My files is a permission role, might keep that for certain roles.
- Saved stuff, can she make a create collection / grouping. -> not possible right now. Can look in the future, a want feature.
- Option gallery view, to view images. Let users choose their view. (cris and christopher need to talk about it) maybe permission?
- clean columns, last modified removed
- We can review if sourcepath is included in the search, we can remove that.
- Marissa will email the process to review for search config,
- review separate permissions who can add more tags
- guidelines for searching, with space, test search tags, typical date search. Keystrokes that aren't supported?
- make a guideline for keywords searching
- make a guideline for cropping pictures
Dieneke S
11/13/23, 9:22:23 AM EST
Attached is the example of the source path that is throwing off the search for Spinelli. The folder name has successfully changed but the search is still bringing up Spinelli with lots of photos that are not him. If you could please adjust this folder it would be very appreciated!
Cristobal M
11/15/23, 12:08:27 PM EST
For tomorrow meeting:
Heic images now works ok, we need to clean up some of the extra Conversions they have, and relabel some of them, then regenerate all the missing thumbnails.
Current custom sizes:
Dieneke S
11/16/23, 10:00:47 AM EST
Dieneke S
11/16/23, 11:59:39 AM EST
Babson meeting 16/11
- We fixed search, dashes are working when you put in dates.
- My orders Cristobal made an X to exit the screen.
List tdo:
- Thumbnail for order history will be added in the coming weeks
- Clean up conversions to download images. Cheryl will give us a top 5 size conversions, if we can add them that would be great. Original and web size, 5 or 7 total choices.
- Cheryl and designers are interested in:
AI to identify people. Mainly to not be on social media if a person doesn't want to be in photo's. We have that option, Cristobal is working on that.
- Keep babson posted on process
- Google tagging objects, no babson account anymore they have transffered to Microsoft. We could cheryl personal email and babson cc details. They want an estimate, doing the tagging.
- Cheryl wants to know planning of we we want to move b-site to production. Next meeting we will give a timing estimate.
Nice to have:
- Custom width and height, to be given in by users. Would be ideal for babson.
- Copy of the photo saved, when doing a conversion.
- Conversion, the printer also takes the same settigns.
- Likes to jira job numbers adding to the photo's upload.
Dieneke S
11/17/23, 2:23:28 PM EST
Items noticed while going through: feedback marissa 17/11
11/14 - ML
The viewing starts at the end number instead of 1
Is there a way to toggle this?
Have the link to review of email files open in a new tab
Album share and original media download have the same action
Only the one selected downloaded for album share
Would love to see download history next to Saved Tab
When adding a Misc tag it says “Please enter one chars more” seems like typo
Filter what can be tagged
Will also need to add section for admin to easily update tags
All annual events we should tag ahead of time
Need a back button when creating new collection and hit next step.
May need to add tags or alter before publishing
What is the difference between Misc. Tags and Add file detail Tags?
Saved photos organized into folders I foresee as being a central location for sharing photos with others after testing how to share media
11/17 - SB
Ability to download a whole folder, even if there are hundreds of photos in it
Cheryl R
11/28/23, 3:49:27 PM EST
For cropping conversions, we have 16, they are listed in rows 2-17 on this sheet:
Claire H
11/28/23, 4:10:50 PM EST
hi, I’m free If you’re up for a debugging session and going over the step by step manual.
Dieneke S
11/29/23, 12:03:15 PM EST some babson prep?
Cheryl R
11/30/23, 10:11:12 AM EST
@Dieneke and @Cristobal, we can use my personal gmail account for Google tags.
Let me know how I would pay for this, I can use my Babson credit card.