Cheryl R
1/23/24, 11:51:35 AM EST
Cannot select and download multiple files in my Saved area. Must individually click the download icon on images.
Dieneke S
1/23/24, 12:37:35 PM EST
feedback list 22/1
Nice to have: Enable google tagging, see if we can regocnize masks
Nice to have: Any way to group like photos (very similar images from the same shoot) and toggle on and off the display of the variations? E.g.
Remove all “No Image Available” files. We need to investigate first why they are not loading before we remove all empty files
Gallery not showing all images nor a way to toggle through to next page. Bug, we will fix that 23/1 Cristobal
Include column groups under users (internal)
The cat folder, all images have been placed under marketing000 folder. We can write a script to combine both folders if needed.
Default Activity folder views should always be most recent files first.
Album share and original media download have the same action
Only the one selected downloaded for album share
Change “My Orders” to “Download History” under user account section, add asset thumbnails
Uploading: Need a back button or way to save when creating new collection, can there be a “Save” button? Cristobal
Sometimes we may need to add tags or alter before adding assets to the folder
Upload: Remove ‘My Files’ as an option
Add/fix prompts in the empty upload data fields: Description: “Add a brief description here about this activity”
Date, change it to “Event Date” prompt with specific fields for consistency. Or default to a date picker, date icon is not currently a picker so can be removed if it’s not functional.
Audience: “Select Audience featured in assets” When adding a Misc tag please fix wording so it doesn’t say “Please enter 1 chars more” seems like typo
Saved photos need ability to be organized into folders
Ability to download a whole folder, even if there are hundreds of photos in it
Collaboration Folders: Files not always visible when you click on a collab folder:
Remove ‘Approval’ and ‘Publish’ everywhere
UI Move the edit icon (the pencil in square box) to the bar below where it will affect changes.
UI Remove the puzzle icon to left of Activities, remove “+New”, “Sort UI Results”, “Jump To”, and “200”
UI Change “Primary Media” to “Folders”
UI Make page results look simpler like this where users can toggle or type in a page if they want to specify where to go... CAN THIS BE AT THE BOTTOM OF PAGES so users don’t have to scroll to top of pages to toggle?
UI Move the edit icon (the pencil in square box) to the bar below where it will affect changes.
Clarify Summary:
Change it to “Filters” add fields for ‘Keywords’, and check boxes for ‘Audience’ and ‘Owner’. Indicate how many are applied (users can check/uncheck here to change what’s applied). Can filters also show at file level?
Cheryl R
1/24/24, 2:50:35 PM EST
"Person" thumbnails do not show icons to download, save, etc. The window with results also doesn't have a X to close window.
Cheryl R
1/24/24, 4:38:25 PM EST
In the asset Properties view I am not able to click on url and link directly to one of the album paths listed under FOLDERS, such as:
Activities \ 0000-2023 \ Marketing0000 \ 2023-05-13-Undergraduate-commencement_jKnight
Christopher B
1/24/24, 4:52:28 PM EST
Cheryl R
In the asset Properties view I am not able to click on url and link directly to one of the album paths listed under FOLDERS, such as:
Activities \ 0000-2023 \ Marketing0000 \ 2023-05-13-Undergraduate-commencement_jKnight
I took a look but the one I tested seem to link ok. I was able to click on the folder and it opened
Cheryl R
1/26/24, 1:24:26 PM EST
Hi, we have a few new users to add but I keep getting an error message. The first time I tried to assign them to "Babson User" role, the next time I left the group field blank and received this message:
There was a problem completing this request
/WEB-INF/base/emfrontend2/views/settings/users/usermanager/user/editgroups.xconf#User.addUsersToGroup java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.openedit.users.Group.getId()" because "inGroup" is null Cannot invoke "org.openedit.users.Group.getId()" because "inGroup" is null
It also did not prompt me to enter a login for the new user. Do we need to set up new users differently going forward?
This also reminds me that we should touch on users/groups/roles when we meet next.
Dieneke S
1/29/24, 12:09:56 PM EST
Could you please add Kevin Wong as a user when addressing the eMedia user-added glitch?
Kevin Wong,, user: kwong5 password: marketing1
Dieneke S
1/29/24, 12:45:44 PM EST
He is photographer that wants to access the babson site? They can't add new users and add them to a group. Cheryl posted this bug friday. I made a ticket of this friday the 26/1, its above here.
Cristobal M
1/29/24, 12:54:40 PM EST
I added to the Marketing User Group, Im trying to replicate the errors on the process of adding/editing users but still not being able to reproduce it.
Dieneke S
1/30/24, 2:13:51 PM EST here is the link to the updated User Manual.
Cheryl R
2/1/24, 11:08:44 AM EST
A user cannot go directly into this collaboration folder.
People are saying that the 'send code' thing isn't working.
Dieneke S
2/1/24, 11:12:34 AM EST
have you copied the link from sharing to them? if that doesn't work you can also add them under permissions.
Cheryl R
2/1/24, 12:10:59 PM EST
Yes, I copied the link from the sharing icon. I think we need users to be able to do this easily from the share icon vs adding them to permissions.
I tried to add her under Users but her name didn't come up, it said No Results when I pasted her name (user is