Christopher B
4/24/24, 3:46:46 PM EDT
Related products flavors... Digital PDFs for sale. New item numbers for sales reporting. Metadata. The artwork on a disk or mp3 are part of parent but tracked with other items. Internal and External Sellable vs Components
Workflow Need: Update all related items when one component has been updated
Import via REST API and Add pagination Add more search options? Maybe by file types
Do a New rsync and index fresh to Fix missing files issue on old server. Dont full text index
Dieneke S
4/25/24, 11:51:03 AM EDT
alfred 24/4
Look asset if people are working on the same project
Once Alfred is up and running:
How team can suss out the assets and assign them to publications
requires manual workflow.
New version gives that workflow and makes is more easy.
Wants to work with eMedia mainly.
Servers might be out of date, PC server, wants to talk about it
Cristobal M
4/25/24, 12:16:41 PM EDT
Hey Travis, we talk yesterday about adding a sourcepath field in the Database on the Ftp, where you can point us the path where the files are stored, this is the file we are reading, please let us know if you can add it:
Christopher B
5/9/24, 12:50:23 PM EDT
desktop client: Add Pull/Push sync
desktop client: Make sure open workspace shows window
desktop client: Try and upgrade all js from our build server? Or from the workspace
desktop client: Rename eMediaWorkspace eMediaLibrary
Import Search: Show what we actually searched on in results
Import Search: Use REST API from old server
Import Search: Show wait icon when searching
App: Disable registration on login
Data: Connect Thumbails from other ftp jpg imports
Data: Consider making other areas such as External Distributions More data is available from filemaker. Is this part of a group
Data: Travis will add a column for Source Path
Data: Travis will ask about starting a download from Dropbox
Dieneke S
5/24/24, 12:53:24 PM EDT
Travis will get the document for the path early next week.
Meeting today cancelled.
Meeting today cancelled.
Dieneke S
6/11/24, 10:30:46 AM EDT
Hey Dieneke,
I haven't been able to put this together yet, and in fact, I need to postpone our meetings until the beginning of August. We've had to pivot our priorities and my attention needs to be elsewhere until August.
I apologize for this, but let's resume the meeting in August.
Please let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns.
Dieneke S
8/6/24, 12:01:16 PM EDT
Hey Dieneke,
I don't have that information yet. The reason I haven't addressed it yet is because we're still dealing with some server issues on our end. Our IT Department recently migrated our Mac server (the one that holds these assets) to a PC server. However, we've found a lot of corrupt or missing directories that they are having to fix. My direct supervisor asked me to not spend any time on our DAM until this is done, and unfortunately I don't have an ETA for when our IT Department will finalize the recovery. To put it into perspective, we've been waiting 3-4 months already.
At this point, we're using EnterMedia as a search engine mostly. We search for the files, and then revert to our server to access them. This works well for us right now. However, once our new server is up and running, that's when we'll want to hit the ground running re-organizing our assets. That is when these advancements will be useful.
It might be better to hold off meeting until our IT department has finished their recovery? I want to avoid us doing any development work until our server is back up, reliable, and ready to be sorted through.
Christopher B
8/7/24, 5:24:13 PM EDT
TODO: Finish Prior media scan on new Alfred instance and use it for searching
Christopher B
8/8/24, 1:21:42 PM EDT
Release new version if Desktop App into the Apple Play Store
Alfred check invalid Folder names for : skip chars
Alfred Import UI needs indicator panel/div that says what its downloading
Dieneke S
10/31/24, 1:17:01 PM EDT
Meeting Summary - Alfred / eMedia Library - October 31
1. Server Migration and Data Consolidation
Update: Christopher shared progress on migrating all files and data to a single "Alfred DB" server, syncing from the old server, Dropbox, and spreadsheet data. Target completion is next week.
2. Desktop Tool Updates and Rollout
Plan: Desktop tool enhancements have been made, and Travis is set to update to the latest version on the new server next week, with close team support for a smooth transition.
3. IT Challenges and Data Recovery
Issue: Transition to a contractor IT team after the head of IT's departure revealed previous issues with server crash handling and data recovery. Efforts are underway to resolve delays.
4. Spreadsheet Data and File Mapping
Challenge: Mapping spreadsheet data to correct files and folders remains an issue. Team considering adding a column in the spreadsheet to streamline file paths.
5. Relationship Management and Versioning
Feature: Smart organizer tool now manages file relationships and versioning, which could improve Alfred’s file organization and workflows.
6. Next Steps
Actions: Continue data consolidation, update desktop tools, support transition for Travis, and implement better task documentation through structured project management.
Action Points
Complete server migration and data sync by next week.
Update desktop tool version and coordinate rollout with Travis.
Resolve IT-related delays and finalize data recovery.
Add a column to the spreadsheet to facilitate file mapping.
Improve project documentation and task tracking for ongoing initiatives.
Dieneke S
10/31/24, 1:17:13 PM EDT
Complete server migration and data sync by next week.
Update desktop tool version and coordinate rollout with Travis.
Resolve IT-related delays and finalize data recovery.
Add a column to the spreadsheet to facilitate file mapping.
Improve project documentation and task tracking for ongoing initiatives.
Cristobal M
11/1/24, 11:24:07 AM EDT
Couple notes about the IDs on Alfred, we may want to start a Post here with all this information.
pub-item -> ID (00-dash its owned, none 00- other distr) "internal sku" it splited in Pub# and Item columns too. Company field also used
-zz-Distributed are external Publishers (Ignore zz- folders for now)
-Numeric Items goes to numeric folders 000-xxx (so 24 "0024" will be at 00000-09999/000-0999/24, 4229 is 00000-09999/4000-4999/4229)
-Alpha numeric Items goes to Warner-X (so H1 will be at Warner-H/H1)
Dieneke S
11/4/24, 11:30:08 AM EST
Couple notes about the IDs on Alfred, we may want to start a Post here...
Couple notes about the IDs on Alfred, we may want to start a Post here with all this information.
pub-item -> ID (00-dash its owned, none 00- other distr) "internal sku" it splited in Pub# and Item columns too. Company field also used
-zz-Distributed are external Publishers (Ignore zz- folders for now)
-Numeric Items goes to numeric folders 000-xxx (so 24 "0024" will be at 00000-09999/000-0999/24, 4229 is 00000-09999/4000-4999/4229)
-Alpha numeric Items goes to Warner-X (so H1 will be at Warner-H/H1)
Dieneke S
2/5/25, 11:57:12 AM EST
Hey Dieneke!
I worked with our IT contractor recently on this. They should have connected the account. Please let me know if it's still not working.
For dropbox
For dropbox
Cristobal M
2/6/25, 11:03:46 AM EST
Hello Travis, we found that the download API needs a team_member_id, there are 2 options, either you add permissions to the "" scope or you can provide an specific team_member_id that will be used for downloading.