Cristobal M
7/11/24, 7:39:06 PM EDT
I jus checked in some fixes to make the chat work (the sidebvar to actually see all pending chats you may get) But now shakill needs to fix some of the code we changed (Bootstrap) so things like the Schedule Meeting button is not working. We will need to test all the forms after this. If Shakil cant doing by tomorrow I can take a look more tomorrow earliy.
Claire H
7/12/24, 12:22:11 PM EDT
On documentation area in website, Clicking on Automated custom media conversions causes a spontaneous download of a file with custommediaconversions name
Cristobal M
7/12/24, 7:09:49 PM EDT
Dieneke and I tested the chat, it is working ok, it is live now
I tried to add the search btn on the sidebar but is loading all the other communities, and all the links are hardcoded to the community tag category way, we need to think on how to solve that.
Cristobal M
7/18/24, 5:30:00 PM EDT
Shakil, when you have a chance. For the website the component for the Mega-menu you are using is only compatible with Jquery 3.1, internally (in OI) we use Jquery 3.3.1 and is complaining about this plugin (HSMegaMenu). I googled to search for a newer version (you are using 2019 version) but could't find any. Can you see if there is something compatible with Jquery 3.3 please.
Dieneke S
7/22/24, 1:29:08 PM EDT finished collab folders documentation
Dieneke S
7/29/24, 2:05:14 PM EDT
I get a support chat fromR Bobby, but the link isnt working. Cristobal see your email.
Dieneke S
7/29/24, 3:44:31 PM EDT
also the login link is not working as well on the community page. i added Bobby as a user to advisory board but he cant login.
Cristobal M
7/29/24, 7:08:12 PM EDT
Ok, I see the link in the email is not working as you mentioned, we never finished the email Template, but you can access any chat request you get using the sidebar search btn, and you can search by Name (Robert) and ti will take you to the chat in his own project. This is for the website.
Cristobal M
7/29/24, 7:08:40 PM EDT
Im gonna fix the links on the email template, later we can design the header or any other thing in that
Dieneke S
7/29/24, 7:10:18 PM EDT
oke thats good to know. ill search for the name and it will show me the chat.
Dieneke S
7/29/24, 7:10:43 PM EDT
Cristobal M
Im gonna fix the links on the email template, later we can design the header or any other thing in that
Cristobal M
7/29/24, 7:11:34 PM EDT
Now the login to the Advisory project, that is on OI, right? I jus tested the login and it works, do you have the link you sent him to login?
Dieneke S
7/29/24, 7:11:43 PM EDT
and the OI advisory project, community. I added him there manually but he cant get it. maybe a permission issue?
Dieneke S
7/29/24, 7:13:09 PM EDT
i sent him the link of the advisory project on the community but thats is unvalid to you have the correct link for me to share?
Cristobal M
7/29/24, 7:15:55 PM EDT
Ok, I see there is a redirect issue in the emedia Community after entering the 6 digit code, let me fix that now.
Dieneke S
7/30/24, 11:25:42 AM EDT
Cristobal M
Ok, I see the link in the email is not working as you mentioned, we never finished the email Template, but you can access any chat request you get using the sidebar search btn, and you can search by Name (Robert) and ti will take you to the chat in his own project. This is for the website.
But where do I search? I searched for robert on entermedia by search and the community and OI.. No results
Claire H
8/13/24, 1:54:35 PM EDT
Create Documentation on website on how to install desktop app with screenshots and post