Cristobal M
4/25/23, 8:43:05 PM EDT
To be fixed: Assign asset to entity, Asset picker dialog click on row JS error, may be searchtype issue too.
Cristobal M
4/26/23, 3:07:01 PM EDT
For the entities, we have a permision for upload, but what about remove uploads? like remove an uploaded folder? Should we control that with the same upload or the general edit-entity ?
Cristobal M
4/27/23, 12:48:02 PM EDT
Internet intermittent all morning, I'm working in the OI html pages while offline
Christopher B
4/27/23, 4:30:36 PM EDT
I can't attach existing folders or assets to entities. Please fix and test everything well
Cristobal M
4/27/23, 4:31:46 PM EDT
are you upotodate? I fix that yesterday. I'm driving but brb in a moment.
Cristobal M
4/27/23, 6:12:33 PM EDT
I see, not all entities fails, only the ones with custom upload paths, in my local I don't have any, and neither the one I tested in demo. I added a fix and a null check.
Cristobal M
4/28/23, 11:44:07 AM EDT
There are couple things I'll need help with:
-Filters on top, only fields with filter property are shown, but others like entities are not being displayed
-Some entities are adding folders twice when selecting assets, still not 100% reproducible locally, I don't understand why is happening
-collapse main module not working because saving profile
-And for OI, I have almost ready 3 pages, but It will be nice if we can mount a "real" or a test project in OI so we can see all expected elements.
Let me know when you are free we can probably review this.
Christopher B
5/1/23, 11:10:42 AM EDT
Cristobal M
5/2/23, 11:27:35 AM EDT
I finished yesterday updating Assets component when clicking on Folder in the Entity dialog, but I think we need to organize icons better.
Christopher B
5/2/23, 1:27:01 PM EDT
Cristobal M
5/2/23, 8:00:33 PM EDT
Found the issue with the video of the girl-truck-driver, the group id it was never save back to the software, that is way we saw a lot of repeats, that may fix the other wrong matches, tomorrow will continue testing