Cristobal M
3/30/22, 6:53:32 PM EDT
Add tasks if you need help on those tickets, I just noticed them in the email notifications, but they are not assigned looks like.
Cristobal M
4/14/22, 1:48:37 PM EDT
There is a ticket for creating a QR for Paymen, you mean Donations? and you mean a QR with a link for the Donations page?
Cristobal M
4/14/22, 1:51:28 PM EDT
Yeah I just was looking on pending lists and try to classify, gonna edit the description on some of them
Christopher B
4/14/22, 1:52:10 PM EDT
Can you add totals by currency to the bottom of expenses and income sections?
Cristobal M
4/14/22, 1:54:27 PM EDT
take a look into
Alex G
5/7/22, 2:22:14 PM EDT
The CSS on the Details box of the Task List should be Ellipsis (…) and have 4 rows long to prevent vertical elongation on mobile scrolling of the web version.
Cristobal M
5/9/22, 10:42:17 AM EDT
Facebook complaining about a missing text in the Terms and Privacy Policy, they are gone to disable API. I'm checking what is about.